Effects of Parental Divorce on Children's Marital Commitment41
Effects of Parental Divorce on Children's Marital Instability42
Effects of Socioeconomic Status of Parents on Children's Mate Selection Risk Factors44
Effects of Relative Heterogeneity on Marital Quality and on Marital Instability45
Effects of Mate Selection Risk Factors on Marital Quality46
Effects of Marital Quality on Marital Commitment and Marital Instability47
Effects of Barriers on Marital Commitment48
Effects of Alternatives on Marital Commitment50
Effects of Marital Commitment on Marital Instability51
Gender Differences in the Intergenerational Transmission of Marital Instability53
Chapter 3: Methodology56
Research Design56
Data Analyses57
Chapter 4: Findings60
Correlation Findings72
Reliability and Validity74
Chapter 5: Conclusion79
Future Research87
Marital Satisfaction
The immediate impact of parental marital disruption on children and adolescents has been increasingly documented inthe research literature (Camara & Resnick, 1988; Hetherington, Cox, & Cox, 1982; Kline, Johnston & Tschann, 1991; Wallenstein & Kelley, 1980). However, relatively few studies have searched for long-term consequences of early family disruption that may persist into adulthood (Amato & Booth, 1991 b). According to Pope and Mueller (1976), children from parental marriages disrupted by divorce during their childhood have higher rates of divorce or separation in their own marriages than children from intact parental marriages. In other words, divorce seems to transmit to the next generation.
Chapter 1: Introduction
The country's divorce rate has almost doubled between 1960 and 1991, rising from 25.8 per 1,000 marriages in 1960 to 50.1 per 1,000 marriages in 1991 (U.S. Bureau of Census, 1993). High divorce rates have resulted in numerous changes in American family life. Perhaps the most important consequence is related to the children whose families were disrupted (Demo & Acock, 1988). The proportion of children experiencing their parents' marital disruption increased from 22 per cent in theearly 1960s to an estimated 46 per cent in the 1980s (Bumpass, 1984). Each year more than 1.1 million children are affected by parental divorce (Kunz, 1991).
Considerable evidence indicates that in the United States persons whose parents divorced are more likely to divorce than persons whose parents had stablemarriages (Glenn & Shelton, 1983; Kitson, Babri, & Roach, 1985; Kobrin & Waite, 1984; Kulka & Weingarten, 1979; Kunz, 1991; Mueller & Pope, 1977). Levinger (1976) reported that a history of divorce between the parents of either spouse appeared to contribute to divorce proneness. Continued tolerance for marital difficulty would be lower if parents' marital intolerance was previously experienced.
Based on a national survey, Booth and Edwards (1989) suggested that parental divorce is associated with divorce proneness, marital disagreement, and marital problems. Mott and Moore (1979) also argued that being raised in a broken home was positively associated with marital disruption even after controlling for other socioeconomic variables.
Kulka and Weingarten (1979) reported modest, albeit mixed evidence for the intergenerational transmission of marital instability from an examination of 1957 and 1976 national cross-sectional surveys. The transmission effect was statistically reliable only for women in 1957, and when controls for age and education ...