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In today's era, almost everything in the world has a remedy; however, even the remedy can be detrimental if not used in appropriate ways and for the right reasons. This research paper discusses the drug marijuana, its history, the real purpose of creation, its appropriate classification, current trends and usage. The paper also discusses the misuse of marijuana and its societal implications, besides discussing the treatment protocol of marijuana. Marijuana is known, as a medical drug because it was used in the treatment of various illnesses, but our society, specially the youth has embraced its usage in a total inappropriate direction. Marijuana cannot be consumed openly in a public place; however, in several states it is an ongoing debate to legalize the usage of marijuana if a medical treatment requires it.

History of Drug

Marijuana constitutes of dried parts of a plant known as cannabis sativa, and it is an illegal drug with the most frequent intake. In ancient times, this drug was mainly an instrument and a substance for attaining a joy of sheer ecstasy. The plant is also known as hemp which is the most strong and resilient fiber reserve and source. History hints its existence since 2737B.C, also that it originated from china and almost travelled half the globe before it finally reached Europe around 500 A.D, after passing from India and North Africa, and was eventually introduced in America in 1611 in James town, North America as a fiber plant (Sloman,1998).

Original Purpose of Creation

The primitive use of marijuana was for primarily medication of several diseases and illness, such as malaria, gout, rheumatism and an unusual absent mindedness. Its medical worth was given more weight-age than its elating attributes. In America marijuana came around in late 16th century and from there it became a major crop beside tobacco. Some evident a legal medicine during late 19th century incorporate marijuana but the proportion was minimal in comparison of opium and cocaine. In US, it was named in the formulary from 1850 till 1942, it was prescribed for labor pain nausea and various other factors (Earleywine, 2005). The medical marijuana was and always has been legal, provided the doctors prescribe, and it is not smoked in public places.

Classification of Marijuana

Since marijuana comes from the Cannabis plant it falls under the category of regarded as natural hallucinogens, these substances play a significant role in commuting ...
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