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Marijuana prohibition should remain a federal law because it causes a higher crime rate, disrupts individual growth cycles, and could be accidently purchase by minors.

Case Study

I had a nephew who had lost his job and, stressed in his life and, found no way of earning. He started smoking Marijuana at the age of 12, and he was addicted of this bad habit at the age of 16. When he got no money in hands, he was so depressed and, one of his friend recommended him to play crazy and, he might receive a crazy check each month. He did what recommended by his friend, but he had to admit in the hospital for his psychiatric treatments, though he received $800 check each month but, that is of no use because, he had lost all his senses.

The use of marijuana is still against the law but, it is consumed daily by smokers and, young adults are found addicted of it. This story of my nephew is just the one case, and there are several other young adults who are addicted of smoking marijuana at their early ages. When any individual first inhale marijuana, he may experience coughing and, increase in the heart and body temperature, running nose and other symptoms. Unfortunately, much of what is known about human pharmacology of smoked marijuana comes from experiments with plant material containing about 2%THC or less, or occasionally up to 4% THC. Females have not been using marijuana to a large extent as compared to males.

Marijuana in US

In the U.S. there is endless debate about the results of prohibition prohibiting the consumption of alcohol, but no one disputes that at least the end of this outburst a thriving business law against organized crime, generating huge revenues from taxes and allowed the spirits that are sold are of good quality, while during Prohibition they were merely very harmful chemical compounds, as it was impossible to smuggle alcohol low alcohol such as beer and wine, by volume, and was much more profitable the high alcohol content, similar to gin and rum (Johnson, et al., 2008).

Recently, the Council for Prevention of Drugs in the UK has stated that research claim that marijuana is not addictive and is much less dangerous than alcohol or snuff. Other symptoms include redness of eyes and, excessive appetite. Long terms of smoking marijuana may include long term stress, suicidal thoughts as discussed in the case study. Continuous usage of marijuana may cause the mental illness as, my nephew became the victim of smoking marijuana on daily basis. When tolerance limit exceed marijuana become the poison for any individual, who smoke it daily without break.

Current results

The repressive policy against marijuana has been a total failure worldwide. Every time you consume more. You have to imagine other policies.

Drug traffickers have-the most prosperous business that is exempt from taxes up.

Under the marijuana trade have strengthened the heavy drug trafficking.

The drug traffickers offer all available along with marijuana.

The drug dealers who distribute marijuana is contaminated (Paraguayan marijuana is packaged with neoprene to preserve and generate addiction).

The drug trade has created and strengthened ...
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