Manual Therapy

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Effectiveness of Manual Therapy in Patients Suffering With Persistent Low Back Pain

Effectiveness of Manual Therapy in Patients Suffering With Persistent Low Back Pain


The Problem of Back Pain

About 80% of men suffer from low back pain during their working life (Frymoyer, 1996). In some cases, spinal pain syndromes have specific semiological and symptomatological than physical changes that can be diagnosed by appropriate imaging studies. In other cases, the spine is identified as a source of symptoms does not correspond to objective clinical observations; in other patients have a sense of general malaise, identified with some postural disorders (Ostelo, van Tulder, et al, 2005, p. 111-121). The spread of low back pain and the widespread presence of back pain problem indicate that it is a phenomenon of epidemic proportions. Some researchers who have carefully studied the phenomenon say that the most common clinical treatments have failed and that the role of conventional medicine should be subject to critical review (Chou, 2010, p. 387-402). This failure can be attributed to several factors, including:

Excessive emphasis on structural diagnosis with respect to the clinical situation of the patient holistically, excessive prescription of bed rest, over-prescription of surgery; insufficient emphasis to the functional, postural and psychosomatic insufficient weight given to prevention, early intervention rehabilitation and treatment active (Chou, 2010, p. 387-402).

The premise of the search for new multidisciplinary approaches is that back pain is not only influenced by their pathological nature (genetic-structural and kinetic abilities), but also psychological and social components: beliefs, psychological distress, and reaction to their condition. A branch of research is limited - unless there is a clear relationship between tissue damage and pain - the effectiveness of biofeedback techniques (McCann, 2010, p. 67). In these cases the normal time limits temporal and the applied techniques for the care of the damaged tissue have proved tendentially devoid of success. The great subjectivity of factors including the genesis of the symptom (anatomical, neuro-physiological, psychological and social) have justified an approach that involves the construction of a taxonomic classification of both the patient's illness is, in order to identify the appropriate therapy (Chou, 2010, p. 387-402). Currently, therapeutic and rehabilitative impose modern concepts to consider carefully not only the structural alterations, but also the patient with pain, including psychological, social and environmental factors and their relationships with tissue damage (Khadilkar, Odebiyi, et al, 2007, p. 91-94). The potentially incongruous cost-effectiveness of therapeutic approaches should also not be underestimated and the relevance of social costs.

Manual Therapy

Manual Therapy manual or physical therapy is the specialty of physiotherapy in the field of orthopedics, is classically defined as the art and science of treatment of neuro-musculoskeletal conditions dysfunctional human skeletal, muscle and joint manipulations Based Analytical biomechanical study thereof, including high speed and short range of motion (Chou, 2010, p. 387-402).

Historical approach

Although it is part of some of the principles thereof, the many schools of thought in Manual Physical Therapy have developed such specificity; you could say unequivocally that therapy is now different from all those, both ...
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