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This paper has been written with regards to the quote by Mansfield, “It is not the business of an artist to grind an axe, to try to impost his vision of Life upon the existing world.” Moreover, two stories written by Mansfield, “Bliss” and “The Garden Party” have been discussed with regards to the quote that has been mentioned above. With regards to the quote, it can be said that an artist is not supposed to work very hard in order to comply with the vision of the world to the world that is existing. This means that the people who are living should not be forced to follow something that a leader wants to. However, the people must themselves develop their own thinking and distinguish right and wrong by using their own sense.


This is a story about Bertha, who is the main character and she lives in London. Bertha feels blissful and this is mainly because of the experiences she has had in her life. However, there are also some times at which she seems childish and immature. A day has been discussed by the author in the story on which she invites her friends for dinner. According to the talk, it has been portrayed that the guests who have been invited for dinner were shallow and vain. However, when all the guests leave, bertha gets to know that her husband was having an affair with a guest whose name was Pearl Fulton (Mansfield 2009, pp. 100).

The Garden Party

In the story, the author describes the Sheridan family who has been preparing to host a garden party. For the arrangements of the party, Laura has been made in charge; however she finds trouble while working with the workers. This was because the workers who she was supervising were more knowledgeable and they could do work well than she did herself. Laura's mother, Mrs. Sheridan ordered lilies for the party without getting them approved from her. Moreover, her sister also tested the piano and sang a song in order to prepare herself beforehand in case she is asked to sing during the party. However, soon after the furniture for the party is arranged, the family gets to know that their neighbor, Mr. Scott, died. Therefore, Laura wanted to call of the party because of the death of the neighbor, however, her mother and sister did not agree with her and they wanted to continue the party. After the party ends, it is discovered that the party was successful and therefore, Mrs. Sheridan asked Laura to bring the leftovers in baskets to their house. Mrs. Scott's sister showed Laura into the house of the poor neighbor where she sees the widow and her husband's corpse. Laura found Mr. Scott beautiful, soon after which she leaves the place with her brother who was waiting for her. However, she was not able to complete the sentence, “Isn't life…”

With regards to the two stories and the quote, it can be said ...
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