Managing Performance

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Managing Performance in Operation

Table of Content

Derby Zoo Case Study3

Question 1 (a) Questionnaire4

Steps Involved In Designing a Questionnaire5

Open-Ended Questions5

Closed-Ended Questions5

Best Practice in Questionnaire Design6

Step 1: Define the survey objectives6

Step 2: Develop the survey protocol6

Step 3: Design the survey questionnaire6

Step 4: Implement the survey guidelines6

Step 5: Analyse the data7

Step 6: Use the data7

Question 1 (b) Comparison of Derby Zoo Questionnaire Design7

Question 1 (c) Strengths and Weaknesses of Questionnaires7

Strengths of Derby Zoo Questionnaire7

Weaknesses of Derby Zoo Questionnaire8

Question 1 (d) Best Method to Collect the Data8



Question 1 (e) Chosen Method10

Question 311



Questionnaire Regarding Derby Zoo Management13

Managing Performance in Operation

Derby Zoo Case Study

Derby Zoo was founded in Derby, UK in the year 1888. It has become a significant interest for the nation both as a recreational and educational activity. Its collection of animals is one of the biggest and most unique in the world. From the start, the zoo had a wide range of exotic species including Indian elephants, llamas, leopards, kangaroos, bears and numerous birds. The collection grew rapidly with the addition of an orang-utan, an Indian rhinoceros, giraffes, and chimpanzees all arriving over the first 10 years.

The amount of visitors visiting the zoo fluctuates frequently as fashion and public interest have increased which resulted in the decline of introduction of latest displays and expansion. This is also partly due to the decline in the investment. After its inauguration in 1888, the annual attendance kept inclining until it reached its highest in the 1890s with annual attendance level over 250,000. However, the attendance level fluctuated substantially in the early half of the twentieth century. Attendance level at Derby Zoo climbed to over 3 million after the World War II. However, the level of attendance plummeted back to its average of 2 million during the fifties. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, a new decline began and by 1975 attendance levels started to fall rapidly. By the early 1980s, visitor levels were just over 1 million, and the budgeted 2007/8 attendance level was just 600,000.

The relative decline in the attendance level and animal attractions was due to the awareness and change in perception of animal rights, care of animals in captivity and poor health, psychology and behaviour of animals due to constant caging. The morality, function and need of zoos were also questioned with an emphasis being placed on the requirement for conservation to occur in the wild.

Question 1 (a) Questionnaire

A questionnaire survey method is used to determine validity, reliability and statistical significance of the study. Chisnall (1997), structured questionnaires are most suitable for collection of data. In a questionnaire survey, statistics can be used to determine validity, reliability and statistical significance.

Questionnaires are a common method of implementing research for business, academics, science or any type of research. These are some consideration to take note of while building a research questionnaire:

Give time to brainstorming sessions to crystallise the most ideas possible for your research

Prioritize questioning items before proceeding

Avoid any less relevant question because you will need that space for a more ...
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