Managing Conflicts

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Managing Conflicts

Managing Conflicts


Managing conflicts is a difficult task. It is the responsibility of the leaders to make sure that they smartly manage all the conflicts that arise under their leadership. Managing conflict is very important at workplace. If these conflicts are not managed properly, it can leave negative impact on the success of the company. The leaders and managers should make sure that they manage conflicts and other issues in a manner that will help their organization grow and will also lead to positive outcomes. This will help them, as well as, the employees to grow. This paper will critique on the article, 'Conflict management and performance outcomes' by Richard A. Posthuma.


The article under discussion highlights the importance of conflict management and how it is related to the performance outcomes. The management and leaders should make sure that they manage conflicts in a manner that will help them to get the positive outcomes from their employees. The article discusses the different ways in which conflicts can be managed and how they can help the company in growing because the employees will be performing in a positive manner. The article has discussed five different studies that relate to different countries and discuss how the different countries manage their conflicts. By including these studies, the author has emphasized on the importance of conflict management and how it helps to achieve positive performance outcomes.

There are different ways in which the article suggests that conflicts should be managed. It has also helped to analyze the different ways in which conflicts can be handled and how it can help the companies in bringing out the best in their employees. According to the article, negotiation is the best manner in which conflicts can be resolved. This helps them in coming to a neutral path on which both the parties that are in conflict agree and the conflict is resolved.

There are authors that have different views than that presented in the article. Such is the view of Deutsch (1990). According to him, education is the best manner in which conflicts can be handled and resolved. He says that if people are properly educated, they will find a solution to it themselves, and a third person or a third party will not be needed. He further says that if a third party is needed, he or she should not be influential or biased. He should make sure that he hears both the sides first and then come to a solution. This is the best manner in which conflicts can be managed.

According to Montes, Et. al (2012) conflicts should be handled by the individuals themselves and for solving them they should use both, emotion, as well as, cognition. According to them, this will help the parties in coming to the best solution to the conflict that will help the people in a positive manner. He says that the people involved in the conflict should talk only when they are in a good and positive ...
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