Managing Change

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Managing Change

Managing Change


In this paper, we would discuss the four approaches of change within an organization. Those change strategies are Tuning (anticipatory and incremental), Adaptation (reactive and incremental), Reorientation (anticipatory and discontinuous) and Re-creation (reactive and discontinuous). Examples have been given of those companies that have adopted these strategies. Furthermore, these change approaches would be discussed with respect to their effectiveness (Nadler & Tushman, n.d., 196).

Tuning (anticipatory and incremental)

Sprint introduced the "Simply Everything Plan", which is an example of Tuning. They anticipated the needs of customers and introduced such plans in which costs combined of the services of texts, voice, web and GPS, and much lower priced plans were introduced. This move has gained competitive advantage over other telecommunication services like T-mobile, Verizon and AT&T. Citibank introduced the automated teller machine in 1970s, in New York, which gained competitive advantage of other banks.

Adaptation (reactive and incremental)

An example of an organization that adapted this strategy of change can be Motorola. They are working towards the Greenpeace Initiative and have made some important steps towards reducing their impact on the overall environment. This change was first initiated by Sony Erikson who had made strides in energy efficiency and recycling. In the same, Nokia also followed this change.

Reorientation (anticipatory and discontinuous)

AOL can be taken as an example of this change. AOL evolved its internet services and media company and were providing services in the respective domains. They were providing dial-up internet, content search, and online community services such as forums, weblogs and chat rooms for their subscribers. Due to the internet growth, and the highly competitive environment, AOL fell short, and their revenues drop to a new low. They subsequently acquired by Time Warner, but even this move did not work out for the company, as it continued to lose its revenue. The new CEO from Google took over the company and brought in new management and made vital steps for the establishment of new and improved brand identity.

Re-creation (reactive and discontinuous)

General Motors (GM) is an example of this change. The financial crises that gripped the overall US economy and the world, forced GM to make radical changes and completely overhaul their system and do downsizing in their company. In the same way, Reed Elsevier, a leading publisher and information provider of various subjects, sold its subsidiary of Business Information Services, in order to move from print publishing to providing digital information.


In my opinion, Tuning seems to be the most rationale change that a company can take. Today, uncertainty about the future and unprecedented changes has effected most organizations, including the social services sector. It goes without saying that changes we have made to our procedures in recent years have been kind of magnitude and duration to none. We had, and we have still faced unique challenges in terms of organization, and personnel (Weick & Quinn, 1999, 361-386).

Many organizations are working diligently to develop strategies to these challenges and their efforts are for us an excellent source of ...
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