Management Of Decision Making

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Management of Decision Making In 21st Century Education

Management of Decision Making In 21st Century Education


Decision making is the process of recognizing and selecting the best option among different available alternatives on the basis of the values and judgment of the decision maker. The selected option should have the highest probability of success and should appropriately fits with the goals, objectives and mission of the decision maker. Effective decision making examines the uncertainty and risks about alternatives and allows choosing the best available option. Collection of information is the most important part in decision-making as it is the basis of reducing risk and making a final decision (Bertalanffy, 2001).

The ability to make decisions can be taught and developed, but that does not mean it is possible to make silk bags with pig ears. The analytical process to divide the resolution of problems in a number of steps used to train managers for decades. The first decision-making technique to be mastered is the ability to differentiate between direct decisions, regular, and even urgent and more complex decisions that justify the analysis required to reach a good result. Direct decisions, repetitive, that should be delegated, if possible, and standard procedures should be established to address them. In large organizations, these procedures must be in writing, while, in smaller groups they can be transmitted orally. These decisions referred as programmable decisions, and in some circumstances can be programmed into a computer, to make an appropriate response. Emergency decisions must be made quickly, especially if safety is at stake. Typical situations, which require urgent decisions, can be investigated in advance, while procedures established model for future action.

Group decision making is decision making by a group of people. It involves all the people of the group to anticipate into the situation and decide in a collective manner. Group decision making is generally more effective than individual decision making, as there is more judgmental reasoning with a different viewpoint of different people. The Group decision making is a challenging process and consumes more time and efforts than the individual decision making (Bertalanffy, 2000).

Literature Review

People of different background see issues differently and have different thinking, styles, values, needs and experiences. Urgent decisions are to be made quickly, and one or two people with the required experience and expertise make the decision, without involving the whole team. This strategy is time effective and often used for quick or urgent decisions. For complex and important issues, team members perform decision making together to make effective decisions with minimum risk. Team consensus decision-making model is used for such type of decision making, in which each team member give input and individual opinions. Alternatives are discussed to make a final decision.

Effective Decision Making

Effective decision making is based on the amount and quality of information used to make a decision. The more amount of the relevant information the good quality decision is made. A survey proves that the top management teams who were more open to external information that is logical ...
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