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Personal Management

Personal Management


Personal Management is very important aspect of the management principle. The basic objective of personal assessment includes understanding, personal and career development planning ,Learning about self competencies through skills audit, examining personal Strengths, weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats and subsequently develop developing an action plan for the achievement of goals.


Following is the self management assessment that I did to do the basic audit that Id did of of my skills. Here in this survey, following criterion are used:

1 =Disagree, 2= slightly disagree,3=slightly agree,4=Agree

Skills and definitions





Time management

Ability to manage tasks effectively and meet deadlines



Able to motivate and encourage others, whilst taking the lead


Problem solving

Thinking things through in a logical way in order to determine key issues and solutions.


Personal presentation/self promotion

Knowing your strengths and skills and having the confidence to put these across. Self awareness.


Analytical skills

The ability to identify and critically evaluate and interpret a wide range of data from a variety of sources



Having the ability and confidence to make decisions for one's self.


Negotiating and influencing skills

The ability to hold a discussion to reach a position of mutual satisfaction and agreement.


Decision making

Identifying options, evaluating them and then choosing the most appropriate



Confidence in introducing new ideas and practices. Taking informed risks. Creative.


IT skills

Understanding and being able to use a range of software such as word processing, databases and spreadsheets


22. Presentation skills

Formally present information to large and small audiences using a range of media


Based on the above analysis following is my SWOT analysis:


Self motivation


Time management

Meeting deadlines

Sense of ownership

Rapid learning

The most important strengths that I posses, are Self-Motivation and Teamwork. Whatever I do, Self-motivation is a skill that helps me pursue my goals. Teamwork is an ability that helps me to work well with others and pursue common goals. Getting admission to a foreign university and ...
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