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MANAGEMENT Leadership and Change

Table of Contents


Part A: The Change Leadership Challenge3

Company overview4

Effective Strategy That Enron Follows5

Part B: Effective Handling the Challenges5

Culture History of Enron5

Organizational culture that led to Enron corporation “debacle”7

Competing-conflictive culture7

Controlling of Dishonest-corrupt culture8

Rigid-traditional culture9

Part C: Approach10

The 7'S models for change in the organization10

The Consequentiality Theory12

The Key Features of Enron Collapse15


Individuals in the case of Enron16

Particular Event of Change Management17

Audit Organizations18

Expansion of Enron19

Part D: Reflection20



Leadership and Change


The paper focuses on how the leadership styles can bring significant change in the organization. The selected organization for this assignment is Enron Corporation that is linked with the energy sector. The challenge faced by the organization was the accounting and audit problems and credit rating which become misfortune for the Enron Corporation. The root cause of these challenge was organizational culture that was affecting the whole organization is economical way. The following paper is concerned with the critical analysis of the organizational culture that led to the debacle of Enron Corporation-the collapse of Enron Corporation provides a case of organizations that have felled as a result of scandals by their leaders in the recent past.

Leadership can be broadly defined as the process of inspiring, coordinating, directing, mentoring and motivating, individuals, groups of individuals, organizations, societies, or nations toward achieving goals or results. Such a simple definition hides the reality that leadership as a concept is rife with complexity and debate.

More important, leadership as a field of study is vast and can be a daunting domain of study for newcomers to the field. Part of the challenge for people studying and researching leadership is the high volume of leadership theories and perspectives available. Leadership in the new economy with its constant changes required to have an ability to adapt to new emerging business model, maintaining constancy of purpose and core values. This ability increases if the leaders make deliberate choices consistent with the values and beliefs of the company. Therefore, today's struggling economy is in need of an effective leadership development strategy (Greenstein, 2000).

A simple search of the word leadership will yield several thousand articles and publications on leadership written by academic scholars. As such, any attempt to define and summarize leadership will be a complex endeavor that will never fully capture and account for the concept of leadership. The aim of this encyclopaedic entry, therefore, is to provide a general overview of leadership specific to organization studies for the novice reader (Quinn, 2000).

There is a continuing debate about the difference between leadership and management, which occasionally degenerates into a tiresome exchange about the mere meanings of words; however, at least a part of that discourse may be useful to us in understanding the true nature of the relationships among power, influence, and leadership. One way we differentiate between leadership and management is to look at the sources of the influence that cause followers to accede to the efforts of others to guide their behavior (Quinn, 2000).

Part A: The Change Leadership Challenge

The challenge that Enron Corporation faced was in organizational ...
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