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Dilemma 1)

1. According to my research, Marijuana use is not protected as a "reasonable accommodation". Same applies for Michigan Medical Marijuana Act employee under the Americans with Disabilities Act. State courts generally have ruled that employers are not legally required to accommodate marijuana use. If the person is a candidate for employment or a current employee who approaches you and says she now has a prescription and intended use. Research in the last decade has focused on whether marijuana actually causes other mental illnesses. The strongest evidence to date suggests a link between cannabis and psychosis.

2. I have discovered that these state laws may put even clearer thinker in a cloud. They basically allow a seriously ill patient to grow and / or use of marijuana, usually with written or oral recommendation of a physician. In my views, laws protecting the prescribing physician and the patient from prosecution. I also believe that the State laws are in conflict with the federal Controlled Substances Act. They prohibits the possession, use and cultivation of marijuana, but a memorandum of 2009 from the U.S. Justice Department says it will focus its resources on prosecuting large companies illegally selling marijuana. It will not apply at individuals who meet their state's law on medical marijuana.

3. Exclusion of the rules that apply to government contractors and transport industry. There is no federal law that regulates drug testing in the private sector (which includes the nonprofit sector). However, many states have laws prohibiting random drug tests. Case law throughout the country supports that position. According to my opinion, the reason is that the employer is invading the privacy of its employees. However, "reasonable suspicion" drug testing is almost universally accepted. It means that the employer has any reason to require an employee to take a drug test.

Dilemma 2)

1. I strongly believe that targeting high-wage workers for layoffs constitute illegal age discrimination. It also applies to unethical behavior by the employer or is a justifiable and non-discriminatory. Basis of redundancy for an employer facing financial difficulties. This area examines the ethical issues surrounding the dismissal of highly compensated workers and age discrimination in employment. I believe that to frame this debate in proper context, background information is presented for the first time in demographic and legal considerations that surround aging. Following this explanation, ethical perspectives on the subject are presented.

2. If you think your situation is going downhill or ...
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