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Security Management Plan

Security Management Plan


An operational plan or development plan is based on the strategy an organization tends to set up in order to achieve its set goals and objectives. Moreover, an operational plan allows us to identify the practical aspects, priorities, and the structure which can be formulated practically in order to achieve the set goals and to meet the required deadlines. Many experts tend to regard operational plan as a management tool that is needed to draw lessons from all preliminary stages, and allow certain adjustments. A plan should therefore be flexible and should be based on the benchmarks and organizations needs to or want to achieve. Some of the experts also tend to link up operational plan to the notions of operational management. Since it is the management which can pave the way in order to meet the set goals and objectives of a company.

Therefore, operations management is described as the operation, design, and development of the systems that deliver and create the business's primary services and products. Like marketing and finance, Operations management is a practical field of business with apparent line management responsibilities. The operation management by a company it refers to the management of business operations and managing the business recourses efficiently in order to minimize the cost and maximizing the profit of the company.

Therefore the operational management system of the company helps the company in managing their business operations. It is essential for any business to manage its functions properly in order to compete and remain a dominant force in market. Because the operation management is as important as other functions, the operation management refers to the management of all the operations related to the business. Thus, in the context of the paper we intend to formulate a security management plan for a company which tends to specializes in physical and personal protection. The plan would be formulated by inculcating tools in order to develop an effective and efficient understanding of the subject.


Hiring Trained Personnel

In the context of Security Company it is essential that the individual who are hired must have the mental capacity to react in any given circumstance. Therefore this section of the paper tends to shed light on the grounds upon which a security company which has been identified as “ABC Securities” tends to hire people.For this, the HRM develops certain job related tests for every department and the candidate is made to pass through it. As the test has been conducted the test scores will indicate whether the person is suitable or not. After passing the job related tests, the candidates will be required to appear for the interview as this interview will help in evaluating, the overall personality and professionalism.

Moreover, Moreover, the Matrix of inducting the employees in the company tends to base itself on the notions of contingency theory. As the theory tends to be based on the fact that group performance is far better as, it provides better ...
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