Malcom X

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Malcolm X

Malcolm X

Malcolm X fought for the rights of blacks in America in the 1950's and 60's. Malcolm believed that destructive for black people to compare their lives to the lives of whites and see themselves as inferior. Malcolm broke away from the complex of inferiority of black Americans to the teaching of black self-respect that he had learned himself. (Alkalimat 2008)

In America in 1950, society was completely dominated by whites. White dominated the entire political, economic, and the myth of making power. Negros in America were in the opposite position. They have virtually no political power, they are separate from the Jim Crow laws, they were poor, and many of them are becoming more and more disgusted with their living conditions. America has just returned from World War II, when it reached an incredible victory for all mankind. Blacks began to wonder why America is to fight abroad in the field of human rights, but wouldn't even give the same basic rights of citizens of their country. Movement for civil rights, thus began.

Many blacks gave a start in life. This was unusual for blacks to have seen them to know who really do good or honest life. This gave them no reason to believe that they can have one yourself. Blacks were taught anything about his past. Most of them do not know nothing great has ever done by Blacks. They had no idea of the glorious civilization of Africa. They knew only that the white and taught them that they were slaves in the jungles of Africa. Blacks have also been taught in Christianity that their blackness was a curse. Their blackness meant that they were worse than whites. The vast inferiority of the desire to be as white? if possible, was burned in black's consciousness. Black men even gave their conks, a hair-do, in which a black man burns his hair so straight, as a white men hair. (Alkalimat 2008)

Malcolm X was one of those young people in the nose. At the beginning of his life, his father was brutally killed by white supremacist gangs. His mother tried to keep the family together, but they ran out of money, and she couldn't' t take care of the family. She slowly went insane, and the family disintegrated. Malcolm then moved to live with his aunt in Boston. He loved the city and soon moved to Detroit, and then, ...
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