Major recent knowledge advances in Computer Science and related areas that affect the use of Wireless
Major recent knowledge advances in Computer Science and related areas that affect the use of Wireless
Summary Description of Major Knowledge Advances
Science and technology are the areas which need continuous development with the passage of time. Computer technology has remained an integral part of the technology, and like other aspects of technology, it has also seen continuous development and advancement over a period of time. One of the authors of the field of science and technology Moore had also predicted that the computation technology will see greater advancements that it will help in doubling the strength of the computation power.
The era of 1990 has also seen one of the major and most impactful advancement in the field of technology, which is the emergence and expansion of World Wide Web. With the help of this advancement, it became a lot easier for mankind to connect with each other from a different part of the globe, and also helped in sharing information with each other. The reason behind the success of this technological advancement was that it was cheap and more reliable for people to share information with each other. Then there was also the introduction of cell phones, laptops and other portable and wireless devices which further allowed the networking get easier than before, which also emphasized the rising need of wireless type of communication in the modern era.
Effects of the Knowledge Advances
Since the inception of wireless technologies, the daily life of the human being and businesses as a whole has been impacted very positively. Most of the businesses tend to prefer wireless technologies these days in order to expand their business over the globe. Even those businesses which are not running on a global platform also tend ...