Major Political, Economic, and Social Changes in the United States from 1800-1860
Any phenomenon that is alive in this world and continuously burgeoning holds rich and sheer history behind it. The same is the case with different countries of the world. Every country on this earth possesses some history and background. The aim and objective of this paper is to talk about history of United States in the context of a given period of 1800 to 1860. The following part discusses major political, economic, and social changes in the United States from 1800-1860.
Political Change
Political changes are the alteration in the political arena and in the major mechanism with which the political world works. In 1800, South was more powerful politically. One of the most important facts that is worth mentioning when we talk about political happening between 1800 to 1860 is that in 1804 with the help of 12th amendment electoral for president and vice president separate. Related to the political and cultural movement that took place in first half of the 19th century the event of Jacksonian America or Jacksonian Democracy is of utmost importance.
Jacksonian Democracy
A number of political reforms are associated with the Jacksonian democracy. One of the most controversial reforms that is associated with Jacksonian era was the reform to broadening the electorate to include all white males. In Jacksonian era there was also a spoil system. This system opened the ways for everyone to take part in the government. According to this principle anyone who wins the election would be eligible to held governmental positions. Jackson has used this system to give reward to his supporters and to punish and to take revenge from those who were in his opposition. One intriguing turn that the political arena took during Jacksonian era was to pay emphasis on the personality of president. In the election of 1828, for the first time personality of president was taken into consideration.
Economical Change
Changes in an era take place broadly and in context of all the background and field. Similarly, the field of economic is also an important field where the drastic changes occurred during the period of 1800 to 1860. By the end of the 1860, deep and drastic changes have taken place related to the economic conditions. One of the changes that has occurred is that subsistence agriculture began to disappear and its place was taken over by the commercial agriculture. The phenomenon of the centralized manufacturing outside the home came into being and the concept of household production was displaced (Eric, pp. 1840). Another fashion that was observed during that period was that the employment in the non agricultural sector began to grow and employment in the agricultural was not preferred by people. On the basis of facts and figures it can be sated that almost half of the population for their living was relying on the non agricultural sector. Besides these patterns of employment and living following drastic revolutions occurred during that period are as follows: