Major Health Impairments and Infectious Diseases Chart and Essay
Major Health Impairments and Infectious Diseases Chart and Essay
Congenital Heart Disease
Congenital heart disease tends to relate to the malformations of the heart occurring during its formation, during the intrauterine life. Congenital malformation, especially heart, is not necessarily hereditary and may correspond to an isolated incident and that will not happen again (Andropoulos, Stayer & Russell, 2005). As it tends to be extremely diverse, ranging from simple benign anomaly that allows the growth of the child without any problems, until the serious malformation tends to be incompatible with survival of the newborn.
Blood Disorders
Blood Disorders tends to extract its roots from a large and heterogeneous group of diseases involving this or any other violation of the functions or structures of one or more pathological changes in their numbers. However, that can be higher or lower, or by changing the plasma of blood, as with monoclonal gammopathy.
Asthma is a disease which tends to relate to chronic respiratory system characterized by hyper reactive airways. The finer airways and reversibly by occasional decreases its smooth muscle contraction or for widening the mucosa to become inflamed and produce mucus, usually in response to one or more triggers as exposure to an inappropriate environment (cold, wet or allergen), exercise or exertion in patients with hyper-reactive or emotional stress. In children the most common triggers are common maladies such as those that cause the common cold.
Cystic Fibrosis
It is characterized by abnormal transport of sodium and chloride in the epithelium, leading to thick, viscous secretions.
It is one of the genetic diseases more common in Caucasians with an incidence in the Spanish population, according to recent studies of neonatal screening of approximately 1:5,000 live births. Introducing an inheritance autosomal recessive, an estimated 4-5% of the general population are carriers of this disease in Caucasins.
Insulin dependent Diabetes
Insulin dependent diabetes is also rendered as innate diabetes, as it is a form of diabetes mellitus that appears most often in childhood or in young adulthood. However. Diabetes can be present from birth and do occur until adolescence. It is characterized by excessive urination, excessive thirst and an abnormally increased appetite. It also results in weight loss despite an abundance of food intake, a high blood sugar at any time of day, sometimes with the presence of acetone in the urine, accompanied by a breath of "pippin" feature. The type 1 diabetes must regularly monitor their blood sugar, inject the insulin several times a day, and tends to eat in a balanced manner.
Childhood Cancer
Cancers are not infectious diseases therefore they are not contagious by any means. The childhood cancers are rare and their causes are largely unknown, however the fact needs to be accepted that they do exist. They represent 2% of all cancers and affect about 1500 to 2000 children and adolescents each year. Half of all childhood cancers occur before age 5 years, affecting both newborns and infants. The childhood cancer is not the same as those observed in ...