Main Assignment

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Main Assignment

Unit 7001 Main Assignment

[Hazzani Hassan]

[Charted Insistute of Management]

Main Assignment


There is agreement among theorists of diverse disciplines to consider the change as one of the most significant and permanent social activity today. "Nothing is permanent except change," says a Chinese proverb that is particularly illustrative of this situation. The phenomenon of change is a focus of concern in contemporary societies. The speed and continuity of all kinds of transformations, interconnection and the anticipation of the future are clearly important issues on the agenda of discussion, international organizations (United Nations, InternationalMonetary Fund, Inter-American Development Bank) and national institutions in any of countries, not only American but worldwide. The change does not seem to know any bounds, and has repercussions in every corner of social existence. The entire culture, one way or another, is affected by this process of change (Means & Rankin, 2010, pp. 171).

To a greater or lesser extent, we are all faced with continuous demands to adapt to these changes. At every step new problems and challenges, for which we are not always well prepared. The biggest challenge has been precisely the process of adaptation of public and private organizations to the demands of improving the quality of products and services (the need to produce on a competitive basis to ever larger markets), the search for excellence in all its processes and, of course, the substantial improvement of human resources.

The conviction that the main challenge of the modern economy is knowledge, and the most important process of economic development is learning, have become the base of support for profound changes in organizational management. It is going from pyramidal organizations and rigid in their structure, decentralized organizations, open to participatory management that encourages teamwork and the formation of self-directed groups and also seeks consensus and commitment in establishing and achievement of individual and organizational objectives. This transition, which is not easy because of the dominance of a culture rooted in the power of a manager or overbearing boss, a culture of open doors, guidance, trainer and participatory, it is driving through the implementation of a new style Management: skills management.

Competence Management

Competency management is the systematic application of new knowledge, abilities, attitudes and emotions in the activities a person should play in any area of human activity, the skills sets constitute a pattern composed of underlying characteristics person (knowledge, abilities, dispositions, behaviors, etc..) that allow individuals to achieve higher throughput or activity or work. The identification of the skills of a worker, that is what possesses knowledge and skills, which should be used or employed in the execution of the tasks to be performed in an organization, within the business world (especially Latin American) who aspires to enter the market Overall, it is considered as one of the main challenges and important and urgent task. This in turn means training employees, professionals and entrepreneurs in those skills desirable and necessary to achieve the expected results in the different areas of productive economic activity and / or social (Munter, ...
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