The essay talks about the two plays, with the intention to deduce about the most tragic heroes out of the two characters of Shakespeare. "Hamlet" is the artistic piece of tragedy created in 1601 by William Shakespeare, rewriting of the history of medieval legend and the old English comedy about Prince Hamlet, with the greatest depth that shows the tragedy of humanism in the contemporary world. The thesis statement is Hamlet became a pessimistic, a coward, and vengeful as the story goes on this article covers on three different aspects of Hamlet namely Pessimistic, Coward, and Vengeful.
The disguise of madness used by Hamlet in the play questions his motifs against the king and himself. He is arguably the most complicated, dramatic character ever created by William Shakespeare. His characteristics range from evil, dark, and mysterious to intelligent, courageous, and cautious. He was seen by other characters in the play as a madman, or completely insane. Unfortunately, the audience informed of Hamlets knowledge and his true intensions. Hamlet's lack of accomplishment in the play is the reason of his procrastination, as he is hesitant about his retribution, his life, and his future. So it can be said that the Hamlet is one of Shakespeare's most complex characters who has many contradictions.
The doubt and distrust on the dark battlements pervade the entire play, so that even small, enclosed spaces feel the chill and gusty. Ambiguity blurs or qualifies every theme and character in Hamlet. No significant work in literary history been contested in meaning or subjected to such a mass of alternative interpretations. Criticism has buried the play in questions, while stage and film productions continue to experiment with an astounding variety of readings and settings. No, conclusive answers are possible, because the text embedded with contrasting material. The play seems to have changed every time we come back to it--a mysterious effect that intensifies as their age. Like Aeschylus' Oresteia and Sophocles' Oedipus Rex, Hamlet reflects back to us our hard-won experience of the great fundamentals of life, which glimpsed but never fully grasped in youth.
The character Hamlet contradicts himself throughout the “Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”. He supports both of the qualities of acting a position and being right to himself. Moreover, he holds up both of the contradictory supports with his acts. This uncertainty by his supposed insanity, for his does act frantically only to be absolutely rational and calm. These contradictions linked to the inner problems he has. So not only could the outer and inner self not be connected, but acting, or the show would change one's inner self to fit the exterior show, He states this just after rejecting that acting are words and essential. By what he states here, if he will only act the part he would not have a problem in being decisive. Then he contradicts himself once more when he states that, “God hath given you one face, and you go make yourselves another, (Shakespeare, III, i, pp. 6).” He just mentions that look is all and now reprimands ...