Louisiana Corrections

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Louisiana Corrections

Louisiana Corrections

Question 1

Race has always played an important role in America's history. It has shaped and sometimes divided the political, educational, and legal systems. Not long ago, the Rodney King trial verdict brought with it race riots and a growing sentiment among the black population that the legal system was unjust (Muncy, 2007).

Question 2

In the establishment of private correctional and detention facilities, governmental agencies and for-profit organizations generally enter into contracts that outline the primary physical, administrative, and performance standards to be followed by the contracting organization. Hoover and other Americans were motivated by humanitarianism and other factors. Food surpluses in pork, wheat, and other commodities, fostered by the Food Administration's efforts to stimulate production to support the war effort, now served to feed Europe. Hoover was criticized for being motivated more by concern for the American economy than by genuine humanitarian feeling.

Question 3

The Civil War was also called the War Between The States. A four year government (1861-1865) between the federal government of the United States and eleven other southern states that asserted their right to succeed from the union. By the summer of 1863 certain aspects of the war had fallen into set patterns. After a couple of years each of the sides had taken thousands of prisoners. At the beginning most of the prisoners were exchanged after a couple of months. After 1863 a lot less exchanges were effected. In April of 1864, Grant, was taking advantage of the superior manpower of the North. It practically stopped exchanges.

The treatment of prisoners were the subject of heated arguments. The Union prisoners suffered a great deal in Confederate camps such as Andersonville, Georgia, Confederate prisoners such as Douglas, Illinois. It was beyond questioning. In both of the sections, the death rate among prisoners was appalling. Willful mistreatment that caused most of the deaths was one of the prison conditions. Southern boys, that were hardly clothed, could not stand the cold, harsh Northern winters. The Northern boys suffered greatly from the intense heat of the Southern summers. When the food supply was sufficient, the food was still poor quality. Prisoners received the same amount of food as the troops who guarded them. Deplorable sanitary conditions resulted from ignorance and over crowding.

Question 4

In exchange for adhering to these standards, the private contractor is afforded a daily (or monthly) fee for each incarcerated prisoner. The paid fee is typically lower than the expenditure per inmate in a public prison or detention facility; hence the incentive for public agencies to enter into such contracts insofar as this reduces correctional expenditures. This part of the "Gender and the reform of the penitentiary system "provides guidance on the gender aspects of comrade in the prison systems in different countries. It pre- assigned to those responsible for managing the system serving their sentences in their country, as well as developing its regulations or its reform, for international and regional actors, pro- reforming the prison system, as well as parliamentarians, s, civil society organizations and ...
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