The birth of a child is one of the most important events in life of a family. But for centuries the time of birth has often been death because maternal mortality was high and that of newborn considerable. Since the 60 historical data have been transformed by remarkable medical and scientific progress: advances in knowledge of the biology of development, particularly brain, improved medical surveillance in pregnancy, innovations in neonatal resuscitation techniques, development of means medical and surgical treatment. At the same time has established a set of social measures for mother and child. However, these advances remain largely beyond the reach of most families in the world. In industrialized countries, the risk of death is now lower for mothers and their may consider pregnancy and childbirth without fear, if not without fear.
Risk Identification
An emergency C-section was performed on a woman with a full term pregnancy. The neonatology team was in the delivery room to receive the infant. The infant was not breathing at birth, and thick meconium was present. Available catheters to suction the infant were too narrow to remove the thick meconium. The neonatologists attempted to use a laryngoscope, but found none of the appropriate size in the resuscitation cart. The CRNA managing the woman's anesthesia had the appropriate size laryngoscope in his bag but was unaware of the neonatologist's need. The neonatologists were unable to clear the airway, and the infant expired. The medical record does not contain a resuscitation record. When asked why, the staff indicated that the clocks in the room were not working. They could not, therefore, produce an accurate record of the resuscitation efforts, so they discarded initial documentation of it. Prenatal asphyxia is the situation most frequently CIA determines the need for cardiopulmonary resuscitation newborn at delivery (Pratinidhi, 1986). An estimated 6% of newborns will require some form of resuscitation at birth, rising to much higher rates in the new acids with weight <1,500 grams. Most of the different acids initiated breath after simple aspiration maneuvers of the airway, drying and tactile stimulation and will require mask ventilation maneuvers or in- endotracheal intubation. In a study, carried out on 100,000 infants weighing> 2,500 grams, 10 of each 1000 required ventilation (1%). Of these, 8 responded to Face mask ventilation and intubation-2 specify endotracheal. The frequency may vary between intubation other centers according to their own rules. The need cardiac massage and / or adrenaline is less common, estimated Dose by 0.12% (Duran, 2008).
Risk Analysis
Neonatal resuscitation is receiving increasing attention especially as a missed opportunity for saving lives for births already in facilities, and for improving morbidity outcomes. The resuscitation of the newborn represents a different challenge to the adult or older children. Approximately 5 to 10% of all newborns require some type of resuscitation, but only 1% required complex resuscitation measures to survive. Newborns are at increased risk of choking, which are much more likely to require resuscitation than any other age ...