Looting Of America

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Looting Of America

Looting Of America

Imperialism is all but extinct now due to the victory the United States achieved in World War II. Even though the destruction of imperialism did not happen all at once, it happened because of the war's outcome. During World War II, the Japanese set up a empire by driving the British, Dutch, French, and Americans out of their colonies and eventually added those colonies to their empire. The colonies were governed in a brutal fashion that made the people resent their captors. However, America brought an end to this imperialism after defeating the Japanese. Germany had also set an empire up but this too was brought down by America.

At the end of the war, the Soviet Union set up communist system of imperialism but this too was broken up due to the American's perseverance in the cold war. Not only did the United States bring down imperialistic nations they also repudiated theirs. The U.S promised the Philippines they would have their independence by July 4, 1946, even before the Second World War broke out. After U.S. forces drove out the last remnants of Japanese forces, America kept its promise and the Philippines became an independent nation. Imperialism was brought down due to the fact of America's victory in World War II.

The atomic bomb was the third legacy of World War II. It is believed if the war had not started there would be no atomic bomb. Steven Ambrose writes, “Of all the threats to peace and democracy today, the worst is atomic weapons in the hands of madmen.” However, there is still a positive side to the construction of the bomb. It shows the ingenuity of mankind and how it can accomplish almost anything when the government steps in. It shows that science can progress with the assistance of the government. Today Born as an American, individual rights are given at birth to guarantee life, liberty, and happiness. We can express individualism. America offers equality to all citizens. I feel that, without government, there would be total chaos among the population. It would be like the old West, where law and order barely existed. People would go around killing and stealing, never worrying about any consequences for their actions. People would solve their problems with guns and knives, having public shootouts where criminals and innocent alike would be gunned down in violent disarray. This is not ...
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