Most organizational members will admit that not all conflict is negative, and that conflict is inevitable. The four ways that employees respond to dissatisfaction are identified by The EVLN model. These ways are Exit, Voice, Loyalty and Neglect. The case of Tanya and Wendy is also based on the same model. Researchers have still not reached consensus as to the major predictors of job satisfaction. There is a need for the job security from employees perspective to avoid losing their job; employees need to be make sure of their positions in the organization in order to get best out of them. In the case of Tanya and Wendy, the organizational setting is associated with, the need, in an organization, to be part of a working team as well as friendship in the work place is what the need in. In an organization, circumstances of an employee's utmost capabilities, that are related to favourable, is another need, identified as the self-actualization needs. Over an individual's or an employee's situation of working life, this implies allowing enormous power. Stress is always a bad thing, you should not assume that. Stress is unavoidable and comes with work and job responsibilities. It can provide a great sense of achievement once the stressful situation has passed and it keeps us motivated. Improving our ability to meet demands and concentrate, stress also increases the muscle tension and level of energy in our body. Psychological needs to be taken of by the organization to provide the job security to the employees. The four-drive theory is a motivation theory. To achieve organizational goals, employees are motivated to work hard, which the drive theory identifies four drives with. In maintaining and forming social relationships with no negative reasons or any specific conditions, considerations are that individuals devote reasonable energy and reasonable share of time. Managers are usually put into the position where there are bright chances for the promotion, however on the other hand, Tanya has been appointed to occupy the vacancy. The desire or drive to defend, have an effect on the work routine, which helps in creating the worries regarding what will be the rection of the supervisor that has recently been appointed for the position, causing emotions of curiosity and worry and also will be able to ceate willingness about the learning of how to generate curiosity while the supervisor will be coming, obviously. This essay will examine the theories that have made the greatest contribution to a shift in focus of the determinants of job satisfaction with respect to the case of Tanya and Wendy.
Table of Contents
EVLN Model of Job Dissatisfaction5
Employee Turnover Impact8
Theories of job satisfaction8
Maslow Hierarchy9
Tanya's Causes of Stress11
Stress Management Plan12
Four drive theory13
Long Analytical Report
Many people are unqualified at handling it, yet difference at work is unavoidable and usual. Natural reactions to interpersonal conflict are defense mechanisms. For managing conflict, described are both the ineffective and effective techniques. Conflict management styles include collaborating, compromising, accommodating, competing, and ...