Locating Topics Of Interest

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Locating Topics of Interest

Locating Topics of Interest


During the development of humanity many infinite objects and features were discovered and developed. This was possible because people started to research. Research has been an important part of our lives; it helps us by providing knowledge and results on daily basis. Most disciplines and professions use research, in some form or another, as the foundation of accepted beliefs and practices (Jurgen, et.al, 2010). In world's broadest sense, a research can be defined as a method collecting facts, data, and information for the advancement of knowledge. Research aims to find problems whether scientific, technical, social, cultural, etc. Research helps us to improve the study because it allows us to make contact with reality in order to know it better. The research activity involves intrinsic behavior, which is to gather data and facts to form a structured and conclusions that can give a reliable way to verify the doubts or questions. Currently other than scientists, college students are obliged to deepen all aspects of research, and create new procedures and techniques to discover new knowledge that contributes to science, society, culture and many other aspects (Fairholm & Fairholm, 2000).

Thus, in this paper I am going to conduct a research but for conducting a research it is very important to define the field of study or area of interest. A field of Study is a branch of knowledge that is researched and taught at university or college level. My field of research is Management. After the defining the field of study it is very important to choose a research topic in the interested field of study. The 2nd starting point for research is to choose the topic or problem, established by observation, what is the doubt or lack of existing knowledge. The choice of research topic is an important decision because the student is going to spend some time of his life to find out clarity on the topic. The choice of topic is a complex activity that involves and requires an answer to two questions: What is research? And What to Look For? (What I am trying to know or find?). The choice of the theme of the research is of fundamental importance because it is the initial decision, the starting point, and determines the policies and conditions all activities that will be performed. In order to locate an effective research topic I have to clarify the subject and understand the whole, in this part I have consulted documents that provided an overview of the issue. I have reviewed Encyclopedias, monographs, manuals, "handbooks", and journal articles. After reviewing various documents I have come up with following topics:

Organizational leadership

Organizational Behavior and its impact on organization

Effectiveness of Management Information Systems in organizational management

Effectiveness of Personal Leadership and employee commitment

Knowledge Management as significant capability of organization

Organizational Culture and its impact on employee management

Effective management and employee commitment

Impact of business management on organizational profitability

Role of conflict management in the organization

Employee Development through effective management:

My field of study ...
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