Local Church Service & Matthew 5-7

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Local Church Service & Matthew 5-7

Local Church Service & Matthew 5-7


Riverside Church is a Baptist church located in the north of Manhattan, in the city of New York. It is in the neighborhood of Morningside Heights, between Riverside Drive and Claremont Avenue between 120th and 122nd Streets. It was created under the impetus of oil magnate John D. Rockefeller Junior and Pastor Harry Emerson Fosdick in the early 1920s.

It is built in Gothic Revival style between 1927 and 1933, taking as model the Chartres Cathedral. The plans were designed by the architectural firm of Allen, Pelton and Collens. The church is impressive statues and sculptures of biblical history. Above, the gargoyles are located, which had always urban legends in New York from the top, guard the city and sometimes wake up to walk around. However, not everything is religion at Riverside Church, also historically important characters have been there, using the pulpit of the church, to present their ideas to many people, though in those days were hardly heard and fought for the indifference and not yesterday's racism remains today, among them are the personalities of Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela (Russ, 2008).

The Riverside Church has always been a place of progress and protest, with high ideals. From the beginning, the church advocated a more welcoming of different views of religion, and cultures that inhabited the island since then. This conception has been supported by many more residents of the north area of the city because it has given speeches of Martin Luther King, Kofi Annan, Nelson Mandela and even Fidel Castro. The church was an active member of the movement against the Vietnam War and has always been in favor of civil rights, continuing to the present supporting the integration and the different views of life, being ...
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