In 7th grade, participants estimated prevalence of alcohol and marijuana use among 7th-grade students in their school, reported own use of these drugs, receipt of offers to use these drugs, and frequency of contact with peers who use these drugs (Rao, 2002). In 8th grade, participants reported their frequency of alcohol and marijuana use. Although perceived prevalence of drug use predicted subsequent alcohol and marijuana use when controlling for actual prevalence, these effects disappeared once participants' prior levels of drug use and proximal peer contacts were considered (Kayser, 2007).
Summary of Case 2
It is evident from the literature that categorisation (involved vs. not involved in an act) was typically based on self-reports, which are known to be susceptible to response bias. Results from this pilot study, in addition to providing important evidence for the presence of the FCE, have flagged this problem as well(Juvonen, 2007). Social projection appears to be dependent on the social judgement of the behaviour.
Rationale for Each Study
The main rationale behind study 2 is to understand the presence of the FCE in estimating doping prevalence or behaviour in others suggests that the FCE based approach may be an avenue for developing an indirect self-report mechanism for PED use behaviour (Kayser, 2007). The method may be successfully adapted to the estimation of prevalence of behaviours where direct self-reports are assumed to be distorted by socially desirable responding.
The rationale behind study 1 is to examine the validity of a lay assumption that peers match, and even surpass parents in terms of their importance as socialization agents by early adolescence. Self-reported academic and social behaviours, peer group norms, and perceived parent values were assessed among fourth, sixth, and eighth graders (n = 364) (Rao, 2002). Results indicated academic and social behaviours, and perceived peer group norms for each, were more negative among older youth than younger youth.
Limitations of the study
Limitations of the study 2 are the measurement tool is to be used as a research tool to gather information on prevalence of PED use but it is not intended to be a diagnostic tool for individual assessment (Juvonen, 2007). The method may also be successfully adapted to the estimation of prevalence of behaviours where direct self-reports are assumed to be distorted by socially desirable responding. Thus this method is designed to enable collecting reliable information regarding the prevalence of PED use; ...