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Literature Review

Literature Review

Importance Of Community Strategies

Community Strategies are being developed throughout England and Wales? and are a major part of Government's drive to join up the provision of public services in order to make them as efficient? cost effective and accessible as possible. Most importantly it is about involving local people and organizations in directly defining how this comes about. This then strengthens the local democratic involvement in decision making about how local public services should be delivered The Community Strategy is a single document? which commits the resources? and expertise of several local organizations in North Hertfordshire to address the issues? raised by local people? which they feel will improve their quality of life. (Zinser 2005:26-30)This Community Strategy is not intended to supersede the existing strategies? plans and priorities of the partner organizations? but to enhance them and add value. The Community Strategy includes new priorities that could benefit from a partnership approach. It also includes certain priorities that can be found in other strategies and plans in areas where increased partnership working can enhance them.

For example? the community strategy for North Hertfordshire is the investment in Young Peoples informal sports and recreation facilities. Additional facilities have been planned to provide a focal point to keep youngsters from hanging around streets and give them purposeful entertainment. These have included multi-sports games areas? skateboarding facilities and youth shelters. Work is underway to map these facilities and identify the area of greatest need for additional investment. (Young 2006:85-90)

Atlanta Olympics 1996

The 1996 Summer Olympics? officially known as the Games of the XXVI Olympiad and unofficially known as the Centennial Olympics? were an international multi-sport event which was celebrated in 1996 in Atlanta? Georgia? United States.

Atlanta was selected in September 1990 in Tokyo? Japan? above Athens? Belgrade? Manchester? Melbourne and Toronto. The chart's information below comes from the International Olympic Committee Vote History web page? regarding the cities that bid for Atlanta for the 1996 Olympic Games. The vote occurred at the 96th IOC Session in Tokyo? Japan. (The Olympic Charter 2008:16-30)

However? Atlanta's heavy reliance on corporate sponsorship caused many to consider the Games to be overly-commercialized. Coca-Cola? whose corporate headquarters is in Atlanta? received criticism for being the exclusive drink offered in Olympic venues; interestingly? President Bill Clinton was spotted at one event drinking a Canada Dry Ginger Ale. In addition? the city of Atlanta was found to have been competing with the IOC for advertising and sponsorship dollars. The city licensed street vendors who sold certain products over others? and therefore provided a presence for companies who were not official Olympic sponsors. (The Economic Times 2008:77-80)

A report prepared by European Olympic officials after the Games was critical of Atlanta's performance in several key issues? including the level of crowding in the Olympic Village? the quality of available food? the accessibility and convenience of transportation? and the Games' general atmosphere of commercialism.

The Atlanta Olympics were marred by the Centennial Olympic Park bombing on July ...
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