Literature Review

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Literature review

Literature Review

One of the most important and crucial problems that he organisations face is the relation of employees at work. Human resource is one of the most important assets of any organisation. It is the duty of the human resource department to make sure that the relation of employees at work remain healthy. This will also help the organisation in the achievement of its goals. If the human resource of an organisation is not satisfied with the way the human resource is managed, then it will be difficult for them to perform as per the requirements of the organisation. This will affect not only the performance of the individual employees, but also the performance of the organisation. This paper is a literature review on the importance of human resource management in managing the employee relations at work. This paper will throw light on the concept of human resource management. It will also throw light on the importance of human resource management in an organisation and the functioning of the organisation. Human resource practices that different firms use to attain their goals will be discussed. The paper will also throw light on how the management of human resource can help in managing the relations of employee and employer at work. A variety of sources will be used for this literature review, including journal articles, websites, and core texts. This literature review will help in the researches which will be conducted on the topic of employee relations and their importance in the workplace. Other areas of influence include study of human resource management, employee satisfaction, employee morale and other topics which are related to the human resource management in an organisation. The following pages will review literature in an effort to build a foundation upon which to view, understand, and interpret the findings of research.

Human Resource Management

As said earlier, human resource management is one of the most important and crucial function of an organisation. Hendry (1995) stated in his book "Human Resource Management", that human resource management is the management of the workforce of an organisation. Human resource is one of the most important assets of any organisation. He also states that human resource management has gained widespread and rapid acceptance as one of the many new terms for managing the employees of an organisation. Many people, however, still question if human resource management is different from the personnel management practices which used to take place in the past. Human resource is the most important assets of any organisation.

In 1960, Douglas McGregor, who was a management consultant, presented his theory X and theory Y of management. The theories argued on the way that the managers should treat the employees in order to affect their talent, motivation and efforts in boosting up the performance of the organisation. McGregor theories opened up ways for other people like Herzberg (1964). To present his two factor theory of management. The theory was based on two factors, motivation and hygiene. The role of these factors in ...
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