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The Invention of Jewish People

The Invention of Jewish People


An Austrian born writer known as Shlomo Sand who is currently the professor at Tel Aviv University authored a very controversial book in the year of 2009. Shlomo states .A nation is said to entail people that are said to be united by a common mistake regarding its origin as well as roots and are characterized by collective hostility exhibited towards its neighbours. It is originally published in Hebrew language. The premise of the book is to prove the fact that Jew people do not really exist as a nation and do not possess a common origin in fact Jew people are said to be a mix of different castes but belonging to the same religion. These set of people accepted the Jewish religion in various time frames that are now collaboratively known as the Jews. Sand further argues that there are numerous Zionist oriented ideologues but they serve no purpose and only promotes racism. This boom is said to be a serious study authored based on Jewish nationalism as well as courageously elaborated (Sand, 2010).


As simple as it sounds, the quotation also tends to summarize the reality figments which is entangled with Jewish nationalism and is modern especially when it comes to the conceit of Jewish identity. It also tends to highlight the mistakes made by the Jews collectively whenever it comes to referring to their collective origin and collective past. The readings having the origin of Deutsch's talk about nationalism which emphasizes on the sense of hostility that is linked with groups of Jews when it comes to the surrounding reality be it human or be it the geographical location (Cohen, 2009). The degree of brutality that tends to exist amidst the Israeli's and the Palestinian has indeed become a cliché topic but the intensity of rough treatment is increasing which is revealing the intentions of the Jews. Israelis do not realize the ecological disaster that they are causing when it comes to the damage that is being induced to the Palestinians. They are ignoring the massive damage that they are doing to the many Palestinians generations to come. Leaving aside the wall of megalomaniac that tends to cause shredding of the Holy land into the enclave of starvation and depravation. The Israel people have polluted the streams as well as the main rivers with chemical waste and nuclear.

The Jewish people are said to have an imaginary and fictional past and has not back up or credibility based on forensics, history as well as textually. The author who has previously focused on antiquity concludes that the exile of Jew people is also said to be a myth and in the present times the people of Palestine are said to be the actual descendants of the people who were anti-Semites who were based from Canaan/Judea than those who are said to be Khazarian-oriented Ashkenazi. The author also admits that he belongs to such crowd (Wittenberg, ...
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