Liquid Crystal

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Liquid Crystal Devices


This research paper primarily focuses around materials such as polymers and liquid crystalline. This research includes the development of certain new crystalline materials, through the observation of new phenomenons along with the development of certain applications involving a wide range of existing and futuristic technologies. The applications includes lab on a chip, telecommunication devices, medical applications, along with different flat panel devices. The research team was led by professor Coles who have developed and extensive amount of liquid crystalline compounds named bimesogens, for enhancing the switching properties of the flexo electro-optic effect.

Table of Contents


Discussion and analysis3

Expected Results5



Liquid Crystal Devices


Liquid crystalline is a substance having the phase state, the intermediate LKAU solid and liquid phases, characterized by the presence of long range orientational order and the complete or partial absence of long-range translational order. As a consequence, the liquid crystals combine the properties of liquids (fluidity, viscosity) and solid (the anisotropy of mechanical, electrical, magnetic and optical properties). Therefore, the liquid crystals are possible effects inherent in both solids and liquids. There is, however, a number of phenomena which are due to a combination of orientational order with the mobility of the molecules are observed only in liquid crystals. One such effect is flexoelectric effect, the essence of which consists in causing the polarization of the deformation of the average preferred orientation of the molecules.

The flexoelectric effect is similar to the piezoelectric effect in solids and differs from it only by the nature of deformation. In the piezoelectric polarization is the result of compressive strain (stretch) or shear, while in the flexoelectric polarization is the result of lateral and longitudinal bending (flexure) Director. The actual liquid crystals are not ideal dielectrics. Therefore, the direct observation of the flexoelectric effect is complicated by the emerging polarization screening by free charges. The opposite effect - the emergence of the director as a result of deformation of the polarization by an external LCD of the electric field, also called the flexoelectric. The presence of free charge plays a less important role, both in the direct flexoelectric effect. The inverse flexoelectric effect as well as the effect of Fredericks, is the orientation onyx. However, if the effect of changing the orientation is due to quadratic interaction of the electric field to the anisotropy of the dielectric constant K, the flexoelectric effect is due to linear coupling between the orientational deformation director and the polarization of the liquid crystals. The researchers involved in this research are well known among the group of scientists related to the field of liquid crystal polymers. For example, one of the world's first university chemists have created a cholesteric liquid crystal polymer with a helical pitch fotoreguliruemym, and now managed to combine in one material the ability to change optical properties under light irradiation, of an electric field (Gordon, 1984). 

Discussion and analysis

In this research we will study about the effect of flexoelectric crystals. This is due to many reasons. On the one hand flexoelectric effect, which manifests ...
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