Human development is about the stages of growth and maturity as the life cycle progresses. Many theorists have presented their premise on developmental theory with the most starting point being Sigmund Freud followed by Erik Erikson, John .B Watson, Albert Bandura and Jean Piaget. After World War 2 children who had lost their parents and home went through a tough time. (Cassidy, 1999, p.3-20) On the instructions of the United Nations psychiatrist, John Bowlby conducted a study on them to identify the matter making it the basis of the Attachment Theory. Further study on this theory is done by Mary Ainsworth. Ainsworth and her students carried out a study called the strange situation—an experiment to study infant-parent attachment. The 12-month old infants were separated from their parents and then reunited. All through this time they were kept in a room. The infants showed a negative response with their parents not around and showed signs of comfort only, when their parent returned. The main idea of the attachment theory is that mothers that form a deep bond with their infant and react to each of their needs for a base of a sense of security for that baby. This feeling translates into the conscience of that individual throughout the life span. Attachment is essential to a healthy lifestyle, sense of belonging and the ability to create working and meaningful relations. Normal cycle of an attachment develops at the age of two to three years, and if it is not than it leads to bigger problems in the adult life mainly pertaining to mental health. Just like the physical changes a person faces during childhood to adult life there are emotional changes as well as the individual faces greater challenges of life such as education.
Development Theories
In order for a person, to develop emotionally and physically proper nurturing needs to be given in the early stages. This upbringing translates into better growth and maturity as life progresses. People that encounter relationship problems in the past have bigger issues committing to serious relationships like marriage which then eventually lead to divorce, depression and anxiety.
Erik Erikson proposed that an individual goes through eight stages in life which are precise on the biological clock. Each stage is dependent on the previous one as the ability of to take on more complex tasks in the past shapes the future problem solving abilities. The eight stages have been defined as Infancy, Early Childhood, Play Age, School Age, Adolescence, Young Adulthood, Middle Adulthood and Late Adulthood. The early childhood stage was identified as the second stage of development in these eight stages mentioned, the age of the individual is between eighteen months to three years. During this stage, the skills that are learned are through self. Here, the basic things of life are picked, the individual learns to talk, walk and use the toilet without the assistance of anyone. The confidence level and individuality of a person are developed ...