Life Span Extension

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Life Span Extension


The growth of older population in the majority of countries of the world is followed by a significant increase in the morbidity resulting from main age-associated diseases — cardiovascular, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, decreased resistance to infections, diabetes mellitus (Ebrahim and Kalache, 135). The general belief is that we suffer and die from the diseases that occur during the process of aging (Hayflick, 302). By the development of geriatrics, we mean that the public as well as the doctors believe in the ineffectiveness of the prevention of premature aging. At the same time, the increase in the productive and healthy life is the one of the priorities of gerontology and, in whole, of contemporary preventive medicine (Burchinski; Ebrahim and Sidorenko). The real efforts in this direction are very limited and are a provenance of charlatans and 'pills of rejuvenation' merchants. The data available on means, which increase a life span of animals are very scarce and sometimes contradictory and unreliable from the point of view of the correctness of both an experimental design as well as the interpretations of the results. About 20 substances were suggested as means of prolonging the life span on the basis of different theories on mechanisms of aging (Emanuel; Anisimov; Frolkis; Harman and Harman). The term geroprotector was introduced for such kinds of substances (Obukhova; Emanuel; Lipman, R.D., 152. The prolongation of life: a comparison of antioxidants and geroprotectors versus superoxide in human mitochondria. J. Gerontol. 36, pp. 550-557.Lipman; Anisimov and Zs). It seems rather fortunate because it means 'defending from aging'. Contrary to the geriatric drugs, which are prescribed to the elderly people, the treatment with geroprotectors should be taken at a young and adult age. Suggested by the current knowledge on factors and mechanisms or theories of aging (Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3), these interventions in the aging process were sometimes followed by some unfavourable effects. One of the chemicals studied is the antioxidant. This natural substance may help stop disease . It fights deadly molecules called oxygen, which comes from smoking, sunlight, and other environmental factors. As people grow older, the damage may build up. According to the National Institute on Aging information Center, one theory of aging, this builds up eventually cause's cells, tissues and organs to break down. Some studies also shows that it may help stop heart disease, some cancer, and even other health issues that are more common in older people.


Aging people need to do a lot more to reduce calories intake and increase physical activity if they want to lose and keep off excess body fat. “For overweight aging people, there are seven steps to follow if they want to achieve optimal removal of surplus body fat. The doctors now use this method to control HIV infections in such a way that will enables patient to life for decades instead less than one year” (William, 58, 2008) . Some of the steps are, restoring hormone balance, increase physical activity, eat to live a long ...
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