Life Review

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Life Review

Life Review

There are different major events in my life. They were either the sad events or the happy events. One of the major events in my life which brought success in my life was the time when I got silver medal in my college life. This was one of the main events of my life and it brought a very positive change in my life. Apart from this event there were also sad events in my life. These sad events were mainly the death of my grandpa and grandma.

The first loss which I have faced in my life is the death of my grandpa in German. My grandpa (Opa) has died when I was aged 13. With the death of my grandpa, I have also faced the loss of my grandma (Oma) as she become sad. For long years, I have thought about him in different activities of my life including gardening, eating carrots etc. I have also missed him as we used to fish together.

Another grief which I have faced in my life is the death of my grandma (Oma) who had died when I was of 15 years. It was really hard for me to accept this. I have always thought that she would be here with me to dance, play cards and do walks. After the death of my grandpa, she could only survive for 2 years. It was a real grief for me and still I see her in my dreams and I still feel that she is in my room with me. These are two major losses of my life and I have been to grieving process through these losses. After the death of my grandpa and grandma I have went through the grieving process. I have failed to admit this realty ...
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