Life For Corrections Officers

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Life for Correctional Officers

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Life for a Correctional Officer


This essay summarizes the chapter twelve of "Corrections: An introduction" titled as "The World of Prison Staff" written by Richard P. Seiter, and this book third edition was published in 2011. It includes a deep analysis of correctional officer's life that they have spent in prison as a staff or officer. This essay argues about the daily schedule of correctional officers. The summary also examines the stress and danger faced by them, as well as discusses the gaining compliance of inmates.

Prisons are made to punish criminal, but on the other hand, it also has an impact on the staff or officers of jail. The environment of prison creates a perception in the mind of officers that they are imprisoned. The officers are in continuous stress, injury and threat of assault, as well as they have to perform their duty and maintain professionalism (Browne, Cambier & Agha, 2011). The responsibilities of prison staff include chaplain, classification specialist, food service provider, finance manager, laundry supervisor, personnel manager, recreation, safety manager, specialist of computer, staff training instructor, substance of abuse counselor, teacher, and worker of maintenance.


The system of prison is divided into two, namely open system and closed system. The "D" category of prisoners comes under open system because they are allowed to interact with the outside world; these prisoners are allowed to interact because of their good track record. The categories of prisoners from "A" to "C" are not allowed to interact with the society because they are not trusted based on their track records (Ross, 2010).

In prisons, the commands are given to the prison officers from higher officials, as in the system of prison top-down approach is being followed. Hence, the chain of command or authority in prison is based on vertical hierarchy, as well as the style is militaristic.

More than 30 years ago, the functions of wardens were autonomous in The Federal Prison System. The prison's superintendent was supposedly in-charge of Federal prisons. On the contrary, the modern wardens are responsible to keep the prison environment safe and secure, as well as maintain humanitarian prison environment. To keep prison environment safe is in the interest of everyone. Modern wardens also played a role of transitional leaders means that they answers to query and provide directions because of the increase in authority, such as position, ...
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