Level 2

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Level 2 death and dying

Level 2 death and dying


The impact of the death of a child in the family or in a society is very large and deeply affective for family regular life. This event can break the foundation of any human being, as it is considered as a tragedy in all cultures and peoples especially when it is unnatural to die. As the parents are very touchy and not ready in most cases for this type of critical situation; therefore, they affects a lot in this type of cases. Old death is natural and acceptable for society and family as the person lived and died no children. This particular situation is commonly referred as Palliative care situation. Palliative care is the care before the imminence of death. It is a great choice of comprehensive care for children when parents confront this situation which so difficult to treat and handle. Usually these patients include those peoples who suffered with chronic degenerative diseases which significantly affects the quality of life and causes death in most of the cases. The classic example is the infants with cancer who have failed to heal, or with neurological diseases, malformations severe congenital or lethal genetic syndromes.

It is not an absolute situation; since these patients have suffered acute conditions, such as case of fulminant sepsis, trauma cranial, fulminant hepatitis, and others. This Palliative care is also given to the children and also used for the children mostly new born babies who suffered from serious fever after birth or any other disease which lead them towards a very serious condition before death. In most of cases of Palliative care, the peoples or even doctors suggest family to kill the patient through giving him an injection of poison (Field, 1997, P 65-69). This is positive step if we consider the problems and pain faced by the patient, but it is not right ethically. In this assignment we are going to analyze the ethics which should be considered when going or moving towards forced death of any patient or children under palliative care.


Death of Child and Family

The death of a child is never easy. Although death is a part of life, the death of a child has a devastating and lasting impact their loved ones. When announcing a family that his son will die, often feel paralyzed by grief, unable to understand the situation or to make sensible decisions about child care. Also, Parents may feel they failed to protect her son and feel powerless to do more for the child. Understandably, many parents feel reluctant to accept the situation their children and seek to try anything that might save their children. In this situation, health care providers can play a crucial role in assuring the family a good death through competent care, sensitive and adaptable. Glaser and Strauss (1965) introduced the concept of the path of death to guide patients, families and health care providers in this period as stressful. Although this classic work of Glaser and Straus ...
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