Letter Of Protest

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Letter of Protest

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Letter of Protest

Despite the strong statements of the President of the Russian Federation, the hierarchs of the Moscow Patriarchate and the politicians of different levels of non-compulsory teaching of defense in school, creeping penetration of the Orthodox Faith and is not an end. The regions, where there is teaching Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture at the school is said in the letter. However, this year joined by another region - the Tula region. At this point, Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture, the existing textbooks, teachers, teaching methods and programs have changed and will not say explicitly that the Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture in its essence.

The letter contains seven items, each of which is considered that it violates the compulsory teaching of defense. Firstly, the introduction of the discipline unequivocally illegal and contrary to the provisions of the legislation of the Federation in the part where the State claims that the scope of religious beliefs is beyond the scope of its competence. Secondly, it highlights on the point that violates the principle of equality of all religions and beliefs. The third paragraph refers to infringement of the exclusive right to parent our children's education in accordance with their religious, philosophical or other convictions. In the fourth paragraph it is told about his personal insult, as parents and as citizens of Russia as Orthodoxy is presented exclusive culture and even state religion. In the fifth letter writers claim that teaching of our children is the Orthodox Faith in the guise of culture object is a deception and a lie. The sixth church is accused of assigning themselves a monopoly on morality and ethics. The last paragraph of the church charged that forcibly injects them (children) the consciousness of the Orthodox world view and the Orthodox world. However, his letter to parents addresses current and future politicians, experts and RW Sciences, Ministry of Education officials and parents to voters (Rock, 1995).

Recall that in February this year, Andrei Fursenko said: "What is religious education? Religious education was not, and never will be. Under the Constitution, it may not be in school. It may be in Sunday schools, it can be spiritual in schools, in seminaries. But it cannot be in secular schools.

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