Lesson planning is a written document that the teacher gives to students at the first class in which he outlines the course objectives, teaching activities, learning assessment activities and other relevant information. Besides being a tool of communication between teacher and students, the syllabus is an educational contract that defines what students will learn in this class, how they get there, how the teacher will evaluate learning and what responsibilities of the teacher and students.
The teacher has the responsibility of a single lesson or course as a whole; it must be concerned with his teaching schedule systematically to maximize the learning of skills targeted to students. The course outline information management programs and administrative bodies on the characteristics of the course are most useful to the teacher and students. Indeed, it helps the teacher to clarify his intention in choosing educational learning objectives, activities, teaching / learning and assessment activities. Moreover, since the syllabus is a clear educational contract between teacher and students, they must be able to easily understand the things.
The components of the lesson plan
The information usually in the plan relate to the identification and introduction of the course, learning objectives, teaching methods, evaluation activities and additional information.
The identification and introduction of the course
In this section you can see information useful in identifying the course and the professor as well as to capture the orientation of the course and its contribution to the program:
Identification of the Course: (title, course number, term, number of credits, etc.)
Identification of Professor (name, office, days and hours of availability)
Course (orientation or general intent of the course)
Description of Course
Place course in the program (prerequisites, program objectives covered in this course).
Learning objectives
In learning objectives, the teacher defines what students will learn. The formulation of objectives is important because it allows the teacher to question the content of his course, guide the choice of teaching and learning and is used to develop assessment activities relevant. For students, reading goals gives them a clear picture of the skills they must master at the end of the course.
The general objectives are statements that define, in general terms, this trend of the learning (e.g., develop basic skills in doctor working in a care home) The specific objectives more accurately describe the skills expected of students at the end of each instructional activity, i.e. lecture, discussion, practical work, etc. These skills can meet the cognitive affective. Experience has shown that too many objectives are an obstacle to the systematic planning: they all too often take the form of a notebook in which the course material is divided as specific goals and unmanageable.
The teaching methods / learning
In the course outline, it is important to indicate how the teacher intends to help students to achieve the goals. The choice of teaching methods is remember first influenced by the nature of the objectives and content of learning but also by organizational constraints and cost. These methods can be grouped into three general categories: those based on various forms ...