Legalizing Marijuana

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Legalizing Marijuana

In today's day and age there are numerous things that our regulation enforcement should be being concerned about, and I'm here to say that marijuana should not be one of them. Astudy done by the New York Times in 2004 showed that, every year there are less and less towns in the United States that have a decrease in the crime rate. A study finished in 2006 by the New York Times it displayed that in all foremost cities the number of felonies pledged is increasing. The question is this, why don't we have our police squads halt harassing the kids that are fuming marijuana in their back yards? rather than have them out on the roads where the real crimes are committed. As an alternate to flooding the court rooms with petty misdemeanor allegations like ownership of marijuana, we should be busting the big time pharmaceutical dealers of Cocaine, Meth, and LSD. These are the friends who are responsible for murdering our youth. These types of drugs are notorious for being very addicting and can easily be overdosed. Also, except treated in time these overdoses can be fatal. The all natural herb, Marijuana, has very couple of wellbeing risks and determinants few difficulties while driving, yet it still remains illegal, while a alike herb, Salvia, remains legal(Watson, 2001).

Marijuana Controls glaucoma, stifle the nausea induced by anti-cancer drugs, relieves the agony of multiple sclerosis, and furthermore stimulates the appetites of those with AIDS. So there is a definite need for marijuana treatment, because for patients that bear with glaucoma the marijuana can reduce the force within the eye, it is furthermore shown to help the nausea and vomiting that can escort cancer chemotherapy, and new investigations show that it may ease agony in the limbs and boost the appetites of AIDS sufferers. Thus it would be very incorrect of the government to refute patients medicines that could probably help them.

In the case of glaucoma it is broadly accepted that the increased force in the eyeball that damages the optic cheek falls when marijuana is smoked. That is why, until 1991, America's Food and Drug Administration (FDA) permitted ophthalmologists to prescribe it to patients for whom other treatments had failed. Since then, new glaucoma drugs have been produced, but these act at different points in the biochemical pathway that causes the eyes to produce too much fluid. (Davids, p67). Marijuana is also of undoubted benefit in suppressing the nausea suffered by many people on anti-cancer chemotherapy and, unlike other legal nausea suppressors which work in different ways, the marijuana allow users to fine-tune the dose for themselves. Chemotherapy also powerfully reminds cancer patients of their life-threatening illness. In the case of multiple sclerosis (MS), marijuana brings relief that other painkillers do not appear to manage. Many of those who bear from this disease have burning feelings in their limbs, particularly at night. These sensations are likely initiated both by the disorder's destruction of the shielding fatty outer layer round cheek cells ...
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