Marijuana is the cause of many riots and discuss how the question of legalization becomes more questionable. Drugs are the major influential force in countries throughout the world. Legalization is an option that was not a chance, but really should be given. Although many people believe that legalizing marijuana would increase the number of drugs, marijuana should be legalized because it will reduce the large amount of money spent on performance, and, consequently, increased revenues in our countries and to reduce crime, and will also be useful in treating certain diseases .
Marijuana, also known as pot, weed, bud, grass, ghanja, grass, wacky tabacci, funky bhudda, green, India, Mary Jane, hemp, Keefe, bones, funny stuff, etc. substance derived from the dried leaves and flowering tops of the pistillate hemp plant. This is technically known as Cannabis Sativa, and tall, widely cultivated Asian herb mulberry family. There are many different ways to obtain the drug in his system. The most common method consists of rolling chopped material in thin papers to make marijuana cigarettes or joints. He also smoked a pipe or a water filtration system, known as Bong.
Discussion and Analysis
Legalization is considered unnecessary to many people. They feel that this will increase the number of drugs throughout the world. They argue that in many cases, drugs that are gone, get out of trouble with the law. Legalization would eliminate the legal forces that prevent users from using or selling drugs. They also say that making drugs legal, the people who have never tried drugs for fear of being caught by law, will have no reason to be afraid anymore, and users will (Snyder, 1988).
Legalization will be profitable for the world economy in two ways. This will allow for money spent on drug law enforcement to be spent more wisely and it will increase revenue. There have been escalating costs spent on the war against drugs and countless dollars spent on recovery. Each year in the United States, ten billion dollars are spent on drug law enforcement alone. Drug offenders accounted for about forty percent of all offenders in federal prisons (marijuana stores .., 1990, PA-6). In 1989, the Republican county executive Mercer County, New Jersey, estimated it would cost about one billion dollars to build the prison space needed to accommodate all the drugs in Trenton alone (Talah, 1993, p. 1 - 7). All this money could be spent on things more important. Moreover, the drug problem increased but drug related problems are on the rise. Addiction killer worldwide. Some of them are born addicts (crack children), while others become addicted later in life.
Drug offenders are a major cause of extreme overcrowding in U.S. prisons. In 1992, 59,000 inmates were added to make a record 833,600 prisoners throughout the country. A high percentage of these inmates were serving time for drug-related incidents. Since 1982, there were 160-percent increase in inmate population. One can only imagine what that number is today. Most of this increase is attributed to drug ...