In this study we try to explore the concept of “Law and Ethics” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “Law and Ethics” and its relation with “business progression and development”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “Law and Ethics” and tries to gauge its effect on “how business excels today”.
Table of Contents
Legal and Ethical Parameters in Operating a Gym4
Legal Parameters involved in operating a gym4
Ethical Parameters involved in operating a gym7
Legal and Ethical Parameters in Operating a Gym
For this paper, we shall pertain to describe the kind of work that has been developed in the area of healthcare, fitness and wellbeing. Our major attempt shall be to create and highlight the kind of proceedings and attempts that are being realized in the process of changing one's lifestyle and being in the gym. Here, both aspects - legal and ethical - shall be viewed and highlighted in order to make recommendations regarding the establishment of a thorough, fully complied, ethical business.
Legal Parameters involved in operating a gym
Before any kind of business that may take place, one must hold and possess some form of permit, a note of admittance and approval in the form of license, in order to establish them as a running facility. Since the gym would be running as a business, it must be registered as a company, with government officials and registrations being done and sorted in the area. In this process, many questions, legalities, even scrutiny and investigation shall take place in order for the state to ensure any form of illegal activities are not being pursued or undertaken (Beck, 2006).
In addition to this, several guarantees and undertakings shall be undertaken by the sole proprietor or even the part who are involved in the development, construction and establishment of the gym in a specific area. It must be considered that no form of mysterious happenings should take place which may otherwise hurt the process of clean and clear business development and establishment; otherwise business could be sealed and locked, with absolutely no room for reinitiating the business.
To understand the kind of requirements and legal proceedings involved in the establishment of your business, a concrete and tangible infrastructure is required in order for you to deliver service quality at its best. One must make way for addressing budgets and finances carefully, since the kind of people who may come to the gym are generally attracted and inspired by the kin d of service being offered and the overall package which shall help you understand where does each customer comes from. Maintaining and developing a long-term, sustainable, competitive and profitable financial portfolio is amongst the best and most critical aspects of the kind of business infrastructure you may be building (Bolman, Deal & Ellis, 2007).
Once the location has been designed and decided, one should make to begin settling and establishing the kind of work that would be involved in the development ...