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Major Initiatives in the next 5 years


The company that I have selected for this paper is Teejays. Teejays is one of the famous coffee business in Maryland State. Teejays in the next five years is planning to expand its market internationally. Teejays from a local brand has decided to go global and make a mark on its competitors.

International expansion is a critical parameter for the development and the survival of the business. Geographical expansion of firms requires expertise in the domain of operations management and development of proactive strategies to compete with firms in foreign markets operating in the same industry. To manage these multiple local expansions without falling into the spatial dispersion or precipitation of the moment, strategic action plan of the company must determine the geographic match to the vision and its development ambitions.

The company that I have assumed for expansion is Teejays consultancy. Teejays consultancy can drive expansion in an integrated manner, using specific and disconnected international service domestic operations by effective segmentation of clients.

International Market Expansion

International Market Expansion as business development strategies require Teejays to extend its activities to international markets, either based on core specialized consultancy services in customer care or mere business development through segmenting clients' market. USA is an attractive market for consultancy services based firms. USA created over 75% of employment in the service sector. Transportation, telecommunications, finance, insurance, wholesale/retail, and business services account for about 60% of all employment. However, social, community, personal services, education, and health constitute 40% share (Hinkelman, 2005, 139).

Nearly all B2C companies in US are focusing on strengthening and building long-term relationships with customers (Gibson, 2007, 42). This provides an attractive opportunity to the Teejays Consultancy Firm to position itself on the basis of leading Customer Care training and consultancy organization. USA is a big market for expanding the business. Majority of consultancy companies have targeted industrial zones to establish its offices (Wallace, 2010, 23). However, California, New York, Chicago, and Las Vegas are enriched with companies that deal with customer services division. This proposes an attractive opportunity for Teejays to use its core expertise and provide consultancy services.

Industry Competition

US consultancy industry is dominated by many international groups that are providing consultancy services in multiple divisions. These groups utilize their global experiences and define their expertise level on the basis of targeted clientele and years of experiences (Lewis, 2003, 271). Consultancy firms currently present serving the US markets are given below. These would create direct competition for the Teejays in US market based on the customer care training and consultancy services. In US, major competitors of Teejays are:

McKinsey & Company

Boston Consulting Group

Bain & Company

Dalberg Global Development Advisors

Management Systems International

Mitchell Madison Group

RSM International

Plexus Consulting Group

Watson Wyatt Worldwide

Teejays's Client Organizational Behaviour

Majority of organizations in US are managed for mediocrity. Companies that are able to sustain its performance growth achieve excellence over decades (Gibson, 2007, 38). Customer Care services is a core prospect element of all organizations that are dealing with the customer at the operational ...
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