Leg Ulcer

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Leg Ulcer

Leg Ulcer


Leg ulcers occur as a result of improper functioning of valves, comprising of the legs. These include 70% to 90% of the chronic wounds. As a result, of these ulcers legs can be wounded and very painful. These ulcers are more common in older people and are more common in women. These are the most common ulcers which occur mainly above the ankle. When treatment is not provided at the time it can result in inevitable pain. The basic symptoms of this ulcer are swelling, itching and pain in the leg which affected. These leg ulcers prevail in 1 of the 50 patients of more than 70age or more. The main cause of the problem is as a result of increased pressure of blood in the leg veins. The blood collects in the valves which causes the larger veins to damage. As a result of gravity, the blood flows back to the valves which have already been damaged. This ulcer heals within 12 weeks, if treated with bandage which should be compressing which should be applied after a week. If compression is not used than it can cause severe complications and leads to deteriorating results. Leg ulcers can occur again if they have healed. The compression bandage should be used for 5 years even after the ulcer has healed; this stops the ulcer from prevailing again as a result of raised pressure. Use of compression stockings should be proper in order to avoid further complications, which created, as a result of it (Augustin, 2004, 107).


Leg ulcer is a superficial lesion circumferentially extending and deepening in injuries of this type that occur in the legs are not all or varicose veins. These are the most common causes while other causes are arterial, neurologic and traumatic. Each of these causes has their specific treatments. Hence, early consultation is important in order to establish the proper treatment and monitor progress. Ulcers of this type involve a huge impact on quality of life as these can cause social isolation and associated with depression and boxes of malnutrition. This condition tends to recur, so regular checks needed treatments and support (Augustin, 2004, 107). Special care for given to patients who are suffering with leg ulcers. The system of care and research has improved from past two decades as the research regarding its treatment has improved and various approaches implemented as well as adopted. (Iglesias, 2005, 1705-1718).

Clinics which are providing leg ulcer treatments have upgraded the use of compression bandaging and their cost reduced have dramatically improved healing rates and reduced costs, but close supervision by leg ulcer nurse specialists is essential if standards are to be maintained. We have reviewed the evidence for this approach and on new treatments that may improve care of leg ulcers in the future. The ulcers are prone to infection. Treating low ulcers and prevents the possibility to be infected. The infected ulcers may ooze pus, produce fever and other symptoms that taken into account by the ...
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