Left Realist Criminology

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Left Realist Criminology

Left Realist Criminology


Left realistic criminology is a critical criminology in which it is a reaction against imagination to be the left's failure in order to take interest in crime practically and every day. In Left realism it is argues that crime can affect disproportionately to working class people, but there is only one solution that can only increase repression and it will serve to make crime problem even more badly. Left realist criminology also argues that it is a crime lie in relative deprivation, and policing are necessary and it should be controlled and manage effectively. Left realism theory is that crime is the result of the breakdown of social solidarity due to the exploitation and inequality. The offense is a reaction against injustice and political marginalization, economic. The way to combat it is to reduce social gaps creating social justice. That is, the crime would appear as a path of self-defense of the displaced without success for example, traditional crime, theft, robbery, assault.


From this perspective there would be a strong correlation between poverty and crime and social exclusion. Some studies conclude that there is an inverse relationship with the decrease or increase in consumption per capita of the population, meaning that when you reduce this consumption increase crime and vice versa. Therefore, in the social sciences there are two basic theories for the study of violence and criminal behavior, which in various combinations: the theory of the breakdown or anomie theory and forms of socialization. In the first case, as explanatory factors favor the structural and social dimensions. In the second case, the emphasis is placed on socialization, in which the primary causes of crime would result from the existence of sub cultural groups of offenders (a group of friends, family, jail).

On the other hand, some studies suggest that trust in the police, is also an important factor in explaining the phenomenon of insecurity. That is, the link between public trust in the police and fear. In this sense, the police play a crucial role in reducing feelings of insecurity. "The police are one of the most important modern institutions, contribute to the safety of citizens and guarantee the sustainability of the democratic order and compliance with the rule of law". The new criminology began criticizing some radicals diffuse explanations of crime, as the relativist positions, idealistic and deterministic, which laid the foundation for what is known as the realistic approach of the left. Thus, the crime was not a mere label, but the product of competitive individualism, something given, not an activity of people living in idleness, but in the world of work, not something just mystified by statistics and ideology, but reflecting real needs, fears justified, not an authentic expression of pluralism, but an act that damages more or less condensed interests (life, property, etc.), not an attack against the powerful, but an activity largely intra-class as a target , impact and distribution.

Left realism offers a different approach to analyzing the processes ...
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