Studies indicate that culture plays a pivotal role in the process of learning and using foreign language effectively. Henceforth the importance of culture in learning languages effectively cannot be denied, considering that words and regular expressions constituting any language is directly connected with the culture comprising it, and different norms are considered accepted in different language environments (Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck, 1961). Accordingly, this study is undertaken to add more valid substance to this claim in the wake of changing dynamics and practices. Culture is like a complete source that dictates all the practices for people in the respective region within which the culture is practiced. Language evolves in direct relation to the culture and if one does not know the origin of language which is culture precisely, they might not be able to use the language; its words and expressions in the right context. This is seen to effectively manifest in the use of Honorifics and other such expressions in disparate cultures. This research will also be assessing importance of understanding culture in this era of globalisation when businesses are more frequently moving abroad for operational efficiency, thereby hinging upon the effective understanding of second language. Precisely culture annotates the language and thereby, it cannot be learnt in isolation from the culture effectively.
This research and in-depth study is undertaken to understand the impact of culture on language learning. It is general perception that language cannot be learnt and used effectively without understanding the culture because culture annotates the language but yet, significant number of views in contrary to this perception are also found to exist (Swain, 1985, pp. 244). Substantial research in this domain is imperative to determine the absolute role of culture in the learning of second language as well as to attain breakthrough in the language learning centres which will facilitate effective learning among the second language learners.
Language occupies pivotal position in the cultural proposition of any country or region, and thus it cannot be considered and learnt fully in isolation from the culture. Thus in the same manner, to understand the language in a more comprehensive way so as to effectively use it in grammatically and contextually correct way, understanding the culture to learn the language is imperative (Brown, 1994). Although culture differs widely even among the natives of the same region because of which concept of sub-culture has emerged, but yet it guides the language learning ability of people. Even if the culture is not absolute and fixed, it dictates and annotates the language people within that particular region have embraced and speak. It is precisely because numerous phrases, regular expressions and words that compose the language regularly used by people within the respective region the language belongs to, originates from the practices guided by their respective culture (Byram, 1997, pp. 59).
If we are to consider language on its own; its origination, propagation and the usage, we are most likely to ...