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Learning Team Charter Analysis Paper

Learning Team Charter Analysis Paper

Group Communication

Communication is a word that has derived from word communico, which means to share. Group communication can be defined as communication between more than 2 individuals. Small group communication includes people from 3 to 20, but mean while a large group communication includes a larger number of people. It is social interaction that involves body language, expressions, words, and gestures (Algert, 2002)

Difference between Group and Individual Communication

Individual communication is different from group communication because in group communication groups come into interaction with each other and bring experience, and knowledge simultaneously to make and gain most effective decisions while personal communication is like one on one interaction between two individuals. Group communication is an informal method of communication, and it is related to unified voice in the group. While in individual communication concepts and ideas are communicated without the accompaniment of other group members. It depends on the individual to implement a strategy to achieve its objective or goal (Kline, 2009).

Strategies to Promote Individual and Group Communication

There are a number of strategies that will help an individual to communicate is messenger, phone, letters, email, face to face communication and memos. These days most of the people want to communicate while phone or email. Communicating on messenger is also a good way of communication between people. Strategies that will help group communication are plan, discussion, and ideas. Open communication helps the group to discuss everything that might happen, dealing with conflicts, come up with strategy, and helping one another out in a difficult situation (Algert, 2002). Being an excellent listener also will promote communication from others. Another effective strategy to promote communication is taking others time in consideration. In addition, requesting input from those involved or asking questions will make communication more effective.

Does the section in the charter on dispute resolution have enough information? What do you include to provide stronger strategies?

An individual who is working in a team environment has a lot of challenges. The biggest challenge in the team is to eliminate conflict within the team. In a team environment, conflict exists and is bound to happen at some point in time, this is due to the fact the team consists of people from different cultures and backgrounds. Optimum results are only achieved when teams learn how to deal with conflicts. In order to achieve more actual results ...
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