Learning is a process that takes place when individuals interact with their environment. The outcome of learning is changes in human behavior. Learning can be defined as permanent changes that take place in human behavior. These changes in behavior occur as a result of experience. The definition of learning excludes temporary changes in human behavior. It is because temporary changes do not take place as a result of learning but due to motivation, fatigue, and other factors.
Role of Behavior in Learning
Behavior plays a vital role in the learning process. The definition of learning also focuses on behavior as an important determinant of learning. The changes in human behavior take place when individuals interact with their environment. A majority of behavior is learnt.
Behavior is the core of psychology. It is because behavior allows individuals to analyze and comprehend. Behavior changes that take place as a result of learning increase the horizon of human comprehension.
Types of Learning
Learning can be classified into two types. The two types of learning involve classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Classic conditioning is the type of learning that takes place when we learn to respond to a stimulus. The process of cognitive learning occurs when a certain stimulus is repeated after regular interval. For examples, if a mother rings a bell every time before feeding a baby, the baby would start responding towards the sound of the bell.
Classic conditioning was discovered and explained by Ivav Pavlov. He has provided an excellent comprehension of this type of learning through an experiment conducted on dog. In order to determine the impact of stimulus and response on the learning of dog, an experiment was conducted. In that experiment, the dog was conditioned to respond towards the ringing of the bell. The ringing of the bell indicated the food. After ...