In many of the plays by William Shakespeare, the central character goes through internal and external changes that ultimately shake their foundations to the core. Numerous theories have been put forth to explain the sequence of tragedies Shakespeare wrote during this period by linking it to some experience of melancholy, anger, despair, and the antagonist's ultimate fall from grace in their lust for power.
But such theories overlook the fact that it is in this very same period and in the same tragic works that portray the heights to which human nature can rise and fall in its purest and noblest, if not happiest terms. Surely the creation of so much light alongside the darkness and the perfection of the artistic medium through which Shakespeare gives them expression argue against the idea that the greedy side of human nature is his chief concern.
He tries to pierce beneath the superficial motives and forces of surface behavior, social, and cultural expressions and to the deeper levels of individual character and human nature. Shakespeare then places these aspects of human existence in their true relation to the wider field of universal life. In relation to the tragic hero, there are many similarities between the tragic heroes in Macbeth and King Lear. However, the differences between the two outline the re-occurring themes in both plays. In Shakespeare's plays the central characters' own weaknesses and lust for power lead to corruption. The unchecked power in Shakespeare's Macbeth and King Lear ultimately leads to corruption, tragedy, and the hero's fall from grace.
Themes from Leading Men The act of creating and developing a character called characterization not only establishes a character, but serves as a means for the author to reveal the themes of the play (Paris 1982 7-20).
A literary character is the invention of the author, and often inventions are indebted to prior inventions (Shakespeare 1967 167-180). Therefore, through characterization many common themes repeat with in an author's literary collection. Shakespeare is the inventor of many characters and throughout his plays themes often reappear. Macbeth and King Lear, two of Shakespeare's tragedies, exemplify this technique. The protagonists of these two plays, Macbeth and King Lear, by means of their actions, thoughts and words reveal a theme to the audience. Shakespeare has many portraits of madness among his characters, and he returns to the theme again and again. Indirect characterization in the form of Lear's mad speeches allows Shakespeare to convey the theme of madness.
For example one of Lear's first speeches after wit begin to turn, Poor naked wretches, wheresoe'er you are,\ That bide the pelting of this pitiless storm,\ How shall your house-hold heads and unfed sides,\Your loop'd and window'd rag-gedness, defend you…(III.iv.35-38). Lear's insanity in-creases over the course of the play, demonstrated to the audience through more speeches, until his emotions over-throw his reason at the climax of the play.
The example of Lear invoking the storm to destroy the seeds ...