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A business that is run smoothly is a great business that achieves its goals. Whether it may be new or old, large or small, each successful business uses their own managerial concepts to run their organization. The management function plays a vital role in the success of an organization and helps a leader in playing their role.

It is essential for management to utilize these functions in order to accomplish assigned tasks, achieve the organization's goals, and maintain an aggressive lead in the industry. In order for a manager to perform these functions in an operational method, he or she must know how each function relates to their duties. Leading is the third function of the management practice. It is “stimulating people to be high performers”. Leading consists of motivating individuals to attain a goal in a timely manner, communicating effectively, and using authority successfully. If managers are effective leaders, their subsidiaries will work towards the achievement of organizational purpose with a positive attitude. The third concept of management is the concept of leading. Leading is when one establishes direction, and influences others to follow that direction.

Leading is the function of management that deals with the interaction of management with the resources assigned to tasks. Part of this interaction is to motivate and guide the resources in order to complete the tasks in a timely and effective manner (Bateman, 2007). This is a function where many managers fall short on. They do not know how to motivate or guide their employees. This in turn causes the employees not to trust their manager. At my employer, this function of management is overlooked. We do not have managers that are outstanding leaders; they do not motivate or guide us. They are great at planning and organizing, but do not know how to lead and ...
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