There is now a growing concern over the increased level of government's borrowing from the banking sector in recent months. Such borrowing from the banking sector, especially one which is prone to volatility in terms of liquidity, has the classic "crowding out" impact on the private sector. This aspect of policy should be reviewed with a view to increasing the credit supply to the private sector particularly the small and medium enterprises (SMEs), as this will be the key to increase the pace of economic growth in the country.
The banking sector in our country has come a long way in the last decade and the UK Bank deserves a great deal of credit for enhancing the regulatory framework at a sensible pace to effectively nurture the industry. There has been a significant improvement in service quality and discipline amongst the banks.
With that said, it must be also pointed out that there remains a long way to go before our banks can match the service propositions of some leading banks in other Asian countries. With 49 scheduled commercial banks, UK is one of most highly banked nations, particularly when one considers the size of the overall economy. Most countries, many with larger economies, cannot boast of half that number of licenced banks. In theory, banking in UK should be a very highly competitive industry, which should be reflected in low spreads in interest rates. Regrettably, as we all know, this is not the case.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary2
Aim and Objectives6
Presentation of Data7
Leadership in Banking Sector8
Application of Banking Leadership in Banking Sector9
Purpose of Leadership in Banking Sector10
Attitudes of Leadership in Banking Sector11
Task Orientation or Directive Behaviour11
Employee Orientation or Supportive Behaviour11
Contingency Models11
Practical Aspects of Directing Teams12
Keeping the Team together13
Conclusion and Recommendation14
Development of Leadership in Banking Sector14
Leadership in UK Banking Sector
Leadership is a process of getting things done through people. The quarterback moves the team toward a touchdown. The senior patrol leader guides the troop to a high rating at the camphorweed. The mayor gets the people to support new policies to make the city better.
These leaders are getting things done by working through people -- football players, Scouts, and ordinary citizens. They have used the process of leadership to reach certain goals.
Leadership is not a science. So being a leader is an adventure because you can never be sure whether you will reach your goal -- at least this time. The touchdown drive may end in a fumble. The troop may have a bad weekend during the camphorweed. Or the city's citizens may not be convinced that the mayor's policies are right. So these leaders have to try again, using other methods. But they still use the same process the process of good leadership.
Leadership means responsibility. It's adventure and often fun, but it always means responsibility. The leader is the guy the others look to get the job done. So don't think your job as a troop leader or a staff member will be just an ...