Leadership And Organizational Development

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Leadership and Organizational Development

Leadership and Organizational Development


The Development Organizational has become the instrument par excellence for change in pursuit of achieving greater efficiency organization, which is essential in today's world, characterized by intense competition nationally and internationally. In these changing times in which the values ??are evolving rapidly and resources become scarce, it is increasingly necessary to understand what influences the performance of individuals in the work . Several researchers, from the early nineteenth century, have highlighted the role of physical and social components of the behavior human.

Leadership is a process of influence to attain group, organizational or societal goals. Leadership implies having status, prestige and power over others. Early research on leadership was concentrated on finding personality traits that reliably distinguish leaders from non-leaders. Leadership is systematically, but weakly, correlated with such factors as age, sex, iq, extroversion, ambition and social skills. This research line was attacked in the 1950s and 1960s, however, because it failed to consider sufficiently the demands of the situation and of followers in leader emergence and performance (Wren, 2009, pp 89-122).

Effective Leadership

The effectiveness of leaders is certainly shaped by features of the task and group under consideration. Contingency theorists offered a compromise in the 1970s, arguing that leader effectiveness is dependent upon the interaction between leadership style and elements of the situation. Yet, the fairly specific hypotheses from some of these contingency models have so far received mixed empirical support. After a lull in research activity, the study of leadership regained popularity in the late 1980s and 1990s. This was primarily due to the influence of organizational psychologists, who started to look at leadership in teams and businesses. Out of this tradition comes the theory of transactional/transformational leadership, which emphasizes the charismatic qualities of leaders, as well as research on women leaders and leaders from ethnic minority groups. Another main impetus to leadership research has been given by self-categorization theory, which accentuates the role of the group in leader selection and effectiveness (Thomas, 1976, pp 112-167).

For a successful business there is a need for manage a complex structure, managers primarily direct the planning and budgeting - In other words, put the firm goals for the future (usually on the next month or year), detail the steps on the path to achieve them and then allocate resources to implement these plans. As for leaders, designed to make a constructive organizational change, their work begins with the choice of exchange rate. Creating the desired image of the company in the future (often quite distant), as well as develop strategies to implement the necessary measures to bring that image to life.

Discussion and Analysis

The work environment is in fact the personality of an organization, in the sense that this is formed by a multitude of dimensions that make up its global setting. In fact often it is recognized that the climate conditions the behavior of an individual, but its determinants are difficult to ...
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